When Southern Baptists observe World Hunger Sunday on October 11, they will be called to act on the commands of Scripture. The Bible tells us that when Jesus saw the hungry and hurting multitude in Matthew 14, "He had compassion on them..." He healed and fed those who flocked to Him. Scripture is... Continue Reading →
Backpacks, Hotdogs, Peanut Butter, and a Ford F-150
As I wrote my August blog, school had just begun. Now, with schools being in session for a month, we find one missionary couple, Frank and Judy Caulder, hard at work delivering food orders so they can begin sending weekend food backpacks home with students. During the spring of 2006 Frank and Judy came with... Continue Reading →
Cincinnati Needs the Gospel
Cincinnati is in need of the gospel and Kentucky Baptists can help spread the message of Jesus in this river city. Over 1.6 million people live in metro Cincinnati, but only 43.6% are affiliated with any religious group. Still yet, only 13.9% are connected with an evangelical church. NAMB tells us that there is only... Continue Reading →
Living Water
For my blog post this week, I am sharing the testimony of a mission team that recently returned from Madagascar. "A three member well drilling team from First Baptist Church of Shelbyville just returned from their second mission project to Madagascar. Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief provided the well-drilling tools and assisted with training at Water... Continue Reading →
Missions Thinking Doesn’t Fulfill the Great Commission
Acts 1:8 challenges every Christ follower to be a missionary everywhere - locally, regionally, nationally and around the world. All believers are called to this commitment, but sadly, we know that not all are obedient. Likewise, churches are to be Great Commission churches - sending people and making disciples everywhere, locally, regionally, nationally and around... Continue Reading →
The Summer Is Ended
Today is back-to-school day for many students across Kentucky. It has been fun seeing all of the pictures on Facebook of students as they return to school. Many parents have posted side by side pictures of their children from last school year and this school year. Some have even posted pictures from kindergarten and then... Continue Reading →
Ready Church
Most churches, businesses, and organizations fail to prepare for any kind of disaster. The result is that each of these entities lessen their ability to survive and recover. However. a far greater tragedy is that the church often fails to minister in a positive and effective manner following disasters. Kentucky Disaster Relief's strategy plan, "Ready... Continue Reading →
Small Church with a BIG Heart for Missions
Recently I had the privilege of visiting with Slate Hill Baptist Church in London, KY to share about ways to reach out to their community through the “Operation InAsMuch Kentucky” emphasis this September. In asking probing questions to learn more about the church and community I was really impressed to hear of the outreach this... Continue Reading →
Mission Partnership Opportunities Abound
Is your church or association prayerfully considering a new mission partnership, or desiring to begin one for the first time? If so, the KBC has a wealth of requests for mission partnerships that may be just right for your group. But how does one go about choosing a mission partnership and what does that partnership... Continue Reading →
Tornado Preparedness
Tornadoes are the most violent storms in nature. Almost 1200 tornadoes strike every year across the United States. Winds can reach more than 200 miles per hour, and they can destroy a neighborhood in seconds, leaving behind loss and chaos. Every year, thousands hold their breath as they watch 15 to 20 of these deadly... Continue Reading →