
Community Ministry Involves 75% of Congregation

I may not have believed this if I didn’t experience it myself. September of 2015 marked the first year that Kentucky Baptist Convention churches were invited, encouraged and equipped to conduct a statewide Operation Inasmuch (OIAM) effort. We discovered that somewhere between 55-75% of a church’s Sunday morning attendance participated in their OIAM ministry. I... Continue Reading →

Changing Lives, One Woman at a Time

In 2004 Kimberly Robinson took a class through the Women’s Ministry Institute of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  She knew she had been called to women’s ministry but just did not understand exactly how or where.  She vowed to wait for God’s timing. While at SBTS a lady introduced Kimberly to Christian Women’s Job Corps, a... Continue Reading →

Why short-term missions?

Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations is clear (Matt 28:16-20). The early church saw clearly the responsibility of Jesus’ command as given to them (e.g, Acts 1:8; 13:1-3). But the question remains, Is the church today commissioned to simply send long-term missionaries or might there be room for short-term mission teams too? While... Continue Reading →

Rebuilding the Walls

The physical damage from disasters can be catastrophic to communities, families, and individuals.  Everyone who is affected faces a long recovery.  Once the immediate crisis has passed, it can be months and even years before lives begin to normalize. Rebuild ministry is a way to help families and vulnerable populations restore their lives and recover... Continue Reading →

Have It Your Way

For forty years, Burger King was known for its slogan, "Have It Your Way."  It would be wonderful if one could order life like this. Give me a double blessing with pleasure, money, recognition, a little adventure, and hold the danger. Give me a mega church with extra good health, great leaders, and make it... Continue Reading →

A Gift That Keeps on Giving

Christmas 2015 is behind us.  Gifts have been unwrapped.  Gifts have been given and gifts were received.  At this time of year we hear the words of Jesus repeated often that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”  And, it is a time of giving.  We carefully picked special gifts for those we... Continue Reading →

Hope is Coming

Christmas is about Jesus. It is a time to celebrate His coming. In fact, Christmas is about the hope of Jesus coming to a world in need. During this time of year one way Southern Baptists celebrate Christmas is by giving to missions through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. As I think about Christmas, missions,... Continue Reading →

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