“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good…” - Genesis 1:31a My wife, Sarah, and I celebrated our 15-year anniversary this summer and were able to take a week-long trip to Pittsburgh, PA. We coordinated childcare with grandparents, planned our trip, and headed out of town to enjoy a new city... Continue Reading →
Back to the Basics with Mister Rogers
“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won’t you please, won’t you please, Please won’t you be my neighbor? These lyrics are from the song “Won’t You be my Neighbor?” that was sung at the beginning of every episode of the... Continue Reading →
Determination and Urgency to Live on Mission
My extended family was visiting on a recent holiday weekend and we spent a great deal of time sitting around the house trying to decide what we were going to do. We talked about going to the movies, taking a hike in a nearby park, playing games around the dining room table, or going shopping... Continue Reading →
Finding Freedom in Christ
I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land in Israel in 2018. What an experience that was of learning, experiencing, and walking where Jesus walked. I learned much about biblical sites which made the Bible come alive. But I also learned about the current Israeli culture. I will never forget the day our tour... Continue Reading →
A Breath in their Lungs
But the Pharisees and their scribes were complaining to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus replied to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” – Luke 5:30-32 I... Continue Reading →
He Loves When You Call
It’s not by accident that Jesus teaches on prayer in Luke 11:1-4 and then shares a parable on prayer about how God delights to answer our prayers in verses 5-13. Here is the reality—we often feel as if our prayers go unanswered or that God might not be concerned with our prayers. After teaching us... Continue Reading →
The Best is Yet to Come!
The Best is Yet to Come! I had the privilege over the weekend to preach at the 225th anniversary celebration of the Bracken Association of Baptists. It was a meaningful experience with a strong attendance and more than half of the churches represented. There was good music, historical information, ministry displays, recognition of associational achievements,... Continue Reading →
The Hardest Work You Will Ever Love
It has often been said of the Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief ministry that it is the “hardest work you’ll ever love.” Doing the cleanup following a disaster is not glamourous, appealing, or even look like fun. But to the KYDR volunteers they cannot wait to respond in times of need because they realize they are... Continue Reading →
Fueling the Flame for Missions: Post-Easter Reflections
For many, this past Sunday, Easter Sunday, was spent in our home churches, worshipping with our families, celebrating the risen Lord, and enjoying food and fellowship in some capacity. Maybe we had invited friends or family, and they chose to attend, maybe we saw people in the pews that we had not seen in a... Continue Reading →
Going in the Right Direction
I depend on my GPS as I travel around the state. Frankly, I am not sure what I would do without it. Several years ago, while driving to speak at an annual associational meeting, my GPS showed that I was about five minutes from the church. As I drove, I noticed a church to my... Continue Reading →