Each month we post an interSEED prayer calendar for Kentucky Mission Service Corps Missionaries and Church Planters. Many of you download this calendar and pray for the missionaries and planters on their birthdays, and we thank you for doing so. But now, I am asking that you go another step and pray for all of the 117 KY-MSC Missionaries for the next month.
The last few weeks have been difficult for many of our missionaries, and they have shared many specific prayer requests. Some have experienced health issues, others surgeries, family deaths, family and ministry-related issues. All of these going on while continuing to minister to others.
Ministry can be hard and discouraging at times, especially when the missionaries are dealing with personal problems. They need our prayers and encouragement more now than ever.
I would like to ask you to go to www.kybaptist.org/msc, where you will find a list of the missionaries, their pictures, a ministry description, and email address. As you view their profiles would you pray for each missionary and perhaps even send an encouraging email. (If you would like to send encouragement or prayer cards email [email protected] for mailing addresses.)
Pray for the missionaries’ physical, mental, and emotional health.
Pray for their families, their children, their marriages to remain strong.
Pray for the missionaries to have strength to do the work they have been called to do. Most all of them work long hours, days without a break, and without enough help. Pray for co-laborers to come alongside and share in the work.
Pray for safety. Yes, even in Kentucky, many are serving in dangerous areas.
Pray for both personal and ministry finances. All of these missionaries are self-funded and often find support very lean.
Most of all pray for them spiritually. Pray that the missionaries have a personal, intimate, growing relationship with the Lord. Pray that they are bold in their witness and that they are a shining example of Christ. Pray for mentors and support groups. Pray that the missionaries are surrounded by other strong Christians and get connected to a strong, supporting church family.
As you spend time in prayer each day don’t forget to thank God for the missionaries serving in our state and pray for them to stand strong in their service.
You might also consider “adopting” a Kentucky missionary through our “Adopt-a-Missionary” initiative. For information go to www.kybaptist.org/adoptmissionary.
Thanks for your care and concern.
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