When Opportunity Knocks

I was talking with someone the other day about schedules. Most people can control their schedules to a large degree, whether it be meetings, phone calls, events, and even personal time. But in the disaster relief world, I can try my best to plan a schedule, but one storm or event can blow up the calendar.

However, we all battle the schedule. We like to have control of our lives and have a plan. Most of us like a plan and we like our plan to go our way! (Yes, I can hear your laughter).

I think through the scriptures when plans were disrupted: Gideon was minding his own business when God called him. Then I think of Jonah, Jeremiah, Paul, and all of the disciples, just to name a few.

Many times, the interruptions to our schedules are actually opportunities for the Gospel and for ministry. I like how Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 16:9, “for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

I see three things in this verse I would like to note:

First, Recognize the Opportunity. This requires paying attention and staying alert to opportunities each day. It takes intentionality, purpose, and determination. Even during difficult circumstances, there are opportunities for ministry and gospel conversations. God may have a wide door of opportunity ready for you for ministry.

Second, Respond to the Offer. This requires us to simply trust and obey God for the opportunities He presents. As Isaiah said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). The opportunities may be simple and easy, or they may be difficult and time consuming. But remember it is not about what you do, but about Who you’re doing it for. God may be asking you to respond to His offer as He opens the door for you for ministry.

Third, Resist the Opposition. This requires us to be alert and to stand firm in our faith. There is an enemy seeking whom he may devour. When you serve the Lord, the adversary will do all he can to destroy your motivation, your ministry, and mess with your mind. There is always a critic or crank, but God may be protecting you from the adversaries, which are many and you are not even aware. Stand firm in Him.

As Joshua 1:9 reminds us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Visit www.kybaptist.org for more opportunities to be on mission for God.

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