In a year that has been anything but normal, what has your church done in the area of missions? Dates had been set, plans had been made, funds had been set aside for that summer mission trip, then COVID hit. Everything practically shut down and, more than likely, your mission trip was cancelled. This left you somewhat disappointed but think about those you were going to serve.
COVID-19 has also left many of the missionaries disappointed and, in some instances, even discouraged. They were looking forward to the fellowship with volunteers and mission teams. They had projects to be completed. They were depending on resources and funds from those scheduled to come. They could no longer do ministry as usual and had to adjust their methods of service. They grew tired of constantly ministering and giving with no one to minister and pour into their own lives.
I pray that you did not forget these missionaries with whom you had planned to serve, but that you continued to stay in touch and encourage as much as you could. And it is not too late. Consider these ways you can continue to be involved in missions during the remainder of 2020.
- Pray for the missionaries and ministries. Ask them for specific prayer requests.
- Call or email the missionaries just to see how they are doing, encourage them and find out about specific needs.
- Send a card to let the missionaries know you are thinking of them.
- Send a care package or gift card to thank them for their service.
- Provide resources that you know the ministry may need.
- Donate to the ministry. One of the Kentucky missionaries shared that, even though mission teams had to cancel, a couple of them sent funds that they had set aside to use for their trip. The missionaries depend on these funds for ministry and these donations are a big help to continue ministering.
- Pack a Christmas backpack for the missionaries to share with needy children. Since many Vacation Bible Schools were cancelled this year one church has suggested redirecting funds budgeted for VBS to fill Christmas backpacks.
Ask God to show you innovative ways to support the work of missionaries in Kentucky and abroad. Last year in our state many needy children and families were fed and clothed, homeless and hurting were ministered to, ladies with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies were encouraged to choose life instead of abortion, widows, internationals and refugees were served, those in prison or recovery were ministered to and, most of all, the Gospel of Christ was shared. Our Kentucky missionaries reported 2095 professions of faith in Christ last year as a result of their ministries and you were a part of this as your prayed, encouraged, gave and served with them. Thank you for adapting and not “cancelling” your 2020 mission experience!!
GREAT Suggestions!