The Hardest Work You Will Ever Love

It has often been said of the Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief ministry that it is the “hardest work you’ll ever love.” Doing the cleanup following a disaster is not glamourous, appealing, or even look like fun. But to the KYDR volunteers they cannot wait to respond in times of need because they realize they are not just a part of a ministry, they are part of a family, and they enjoy serving together.

In a recent response to a disaster, several first-time volunteers responded not knowing really what to expect. What they found was volunteers who worked together, laughed together, cried together, served together, and loved together. Because they had the same purpose and mind, it just worked.

It reminds me of what Paul said in Philippians 2:1-2, “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”

By our human nature, we often get caught up and frustrated by petty things. And those petty things add up and can get us so distracted by the evil one that we are missing our ultimate divine calling…and commission…by God. We get so inward occupied that we miss the outward opportunity. It is during the opportunity that God shows us His purpose and power. And we learn, grow, and are blessed.

A young man recently told me after surviving a tornado in his neighborhood, “I have never really been a spiritual person or believe in God, but this has me really thinking.” When people are confronted with their own mortality, it does get them thinking about spiritual things, and the opportunity for sharing the truth of the Gospel becomes very real.

When disasters happen, several things come to mind.

THERE IS A STIR OF COMPASSION. When we see someone in need, who is hurting, or experienced loss, there is a stir of compassion in the heart, just like Jesus did.

THERE IS A SENSE OF CALLING. Responding to disasters is not something most people would just want to do, because it is hard work and never at a convenient time. But there is a sense of calling, from Jesus.

THERE IS A SPIRIT OF CONCERN. When disasters strike, there is usually a mess that needs to be cleaned up. But the mess is not the main concern. The main concern is for the emotional and spiritual condition of those affected by the storm. There is a concern for the well-being of people.

THERE IS A SHARING OF CHRIST. During disasters, people begin to think more about spiritual things, their own mortality, and realize what is important. It opens their heart and mind and often ready to seek and listen. And in the heart of the volunteer, there is a spirit of concern for their spiritual lives, that they may know Jesus.

Through this ministry, doors of opportunity open wide. And when you say “YES” even when you don’t know what to expect, God blesses you, uses you, and He is glorified.

Discover how you can become part of the KYDR family at

One thought on “The Hardest Work You Will Ever Love

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  1. Thank you for all you do to help people recover from disasters they face both
    physically & spiritually. I am proud of my family for serving Christ. I pray we all serve others as each of us has gifts & talents to share.
    God Bless

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