When KY-MSC Missionary Tim Bargo called asking for masks for the “See You at the Pole” event, Mrs. Gloria Perkins stepped up to the plate. Knowing of Mrs. Gloria’s sewing projects for missions in the past, I gave her a call. She had never made masks but did have a pattern and would see what she could get done.
In about a week Gloria called saying she had 50 masks made and would continue working on them. In a couple more weeks she called back saying she had made a total of 150.
“God gave me a talent for sewing and I want to use it for him,” said Gloria, who is a member of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Pine Knot. Gloria grew up at Bethel but, as a newly married couple, in 1957 she and her husband moved to the Cincinnati area to find work. An interesting story is that while in Ohio they were members of New Bethel Baptist Church. Upon her husband’s retirement from GE in 1995 they build a house on her family’s homeplace and moved “back to Bethel” where she has lived and been a member of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church ever since.
Prior to COVID the Bethel Baptist WMU ladies met monthly to study missions, pray for missionaries and to do projects for local, state, national and international missions. They promote the Eliza Broadus, Annie Armstrong and Lottie Moon offerings in their church and work with their hands to provide items for ministry.

They made over 100 witnessing dolls and sent to an eastern Kentucky ministry. Homemade bears, each with a tag that read “Jesus Loves You,” were put in Christmas Backpacks for Kentucky children, as well as sent to a missionary on the Louisiana coast. Homemade dresses were put in their Samaritan Purse boxes for little girls in other countries. The WMU also made and sold crafts, donating the money to their church to help with needed projects.
Tim Bargo was so appreciative of the masks. “As we are all in an uncharted time with the pandemic Mrs. Gloria Perkins showed the love of Christ by making masks for our First Priority network.” Tim said. “I find it awesome that God told her to make masks and then weeks later He gave us the masks she made, without ever meeting or knowing each other. Philippians 4:19 tells us, “God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” He has done that thru Mrs. Gloria!”
WMU groups all around the state are helping our missionaries to serve people and share the love of Christ. To learn of ways you can use your God-given talents contact the KBC Missions Mobilization Team at 502-489-3530 or email [email protected]. We would love to connect you.
By the way, in addition to being active in the WMU, Mrs. Gloria also serves as church organist. Thank you, Mrs. Gloria and Bethel Baptist WMU, for allowing God to use you to promote and support missions.
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