Our mission as a convention is simple: created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ. The KBC staff aims to live out this mission of helping churches fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus. But what exactly does this mission statement mean for the KBC?
Created by churches
We exist as the Kentucky Baptist Convention because Baptist churches throughout Kentucky in 1837 desired to cooperate for the furthering of the gospel. The KBC owes its existence to Baptist churches.
For churches
Baptist churches created the KBC for churches. In other words, the KBC was created not to be served by the churches, but to serve the churches.
To help churches
Thus, the KBC exists to help churches do what God has called the church to do—the Great Commission. Because the KBC was created by churches, for churches, the convention exists to help churches. Helping mobilize churches for the Great Commission is the mission of the KBC.
Reach Kentucky and the world for Christ
God did not give the Great Commission to denominations or mission boards; He gave it to the church. Denominations and mission boards are helpful insomuch as they help churches reach those across the street and across the sea with the gospel.
If your church needs help with carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus, please call on us. If your church desires training or resources or ideas for Great Commission work, we are happy to help. After all, we were created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach KY and the world for Christ. Contact [email protected] to begin the discussion on how we can best help you.
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