When parents adopt a child, they many times will celebrate “Gotcha Day” to recognize and remember the day the child joined their family. Recently CoffeeTalk Ministries and Events, a women’s ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lexington, had a “Gotcha Day” Celebration, or actually a “Gotcha Weekend” Celebration, for their adoptive KY-MSC Missionary Jill Boddy.
Jill serves with HR Ministries in Princeton, a ministry of reconciliation that focuses on redemption, reconnection, and reentry. HR mentors and ministers at several Kentucky Job Corps campuses, corrections facilities throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama, and through a community-based thrift store, Joseph’s Storage Bin. Jill is involved in all aspects of the ministry and is very active in showing and sharing the love of Jesus Christ to those she serves.
Serving in ministry is so fulfilling for those God has called, however there are times the missionary gets tired, may be involved in difficult situations, or just needs the support of others. That is where Jill’s adoptive CoffeeTalk Family comes in. They are there to pray for her, to encourage her, to assist with needs she or HR Ministry may have, and even to get her away for some rest and relaxation time.
Recently the CoffeeTalk ladies invited Jill to Lexington for the weekend to officially welcome her into their “family.” They provided a hotel room complete with a welcome basket filled with candy, snacks, and even included an Ale-8.
Saturday was filled with lots of activities which began with lunch at one of the ladies’ houses and a special covenant ceremony where they pledged to pray for Jill daily, to meet needs as they can, to join her in ministry and send their encouragement and support. They had a time of prayer for Jill and presented her with a “Gotcha Day” certificate. The day ended with dinner, shopping, and a tour of the Lexington. Marilyn Creighton, director of CoffeeTalk, shared that they had an opportunity to pray with their waitress, who was having a bad day and broke down in tears when they asked how they could pray for her. The waitress was so encouraged and told us we “were the kindest people I have served all day and you have meant so much to me.”
On Sunday Jill attended worship at Cornerstone Baptist Church where she spoke in the women’s Sunday School Class. During the worship service Jill was introduced to the congregation, prayed for by the pastor, and told she was a missionary to Cornerstone Baptist Church as well as CoffeeTalk. Lunch with the pastor, his family, and some of the church family concluded this special weekend.
Jill was overjoyed by the hospitality of her adoptive CoffeeTalk Family and the church. “It means so much to know that I have ladies that have my back and are constantly lifting me and the ministry up in pray,” Jill said. “The weekend was such a blessing. The ladies surprised me with gifts of lotions, candles, soaps, and cards. One lady gave me a month’s worth of sealed encouragement cards and told me whenever I felt down to open one and read it. These have become a part of my morning devotions.”
Thank you, Marilyn Crieghton, CoffeeTalk Ministries & Events, and Cornerstone Baptist Church for your support of a KY-MSC Missionary.
You too can be an encouragement to a KY-MSC Missionary and will be blessed as well. For information on adopting your KY-MSC Missionary go to www.kybaptst.org/adoptmissionary.
Jill is such a blessing to all she comes in contact with on a daily basis. It was a blessing to be just a small part of her weekend in Lexington.