We have officially entered the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. There is shopping to do, cookies to bake, activities for the kids and presents to wrap. Giving someone the perfect gift can be a hard thing to do. Do I really know what they need, or more importantly what they would want? It’s dangerous to give clothing when I don’t know their size and electronic presents quickly became outdated. And what do you give that special someone who already has everything they need and want.
I’ve spent many hours looking for just the right gift to give, browsing online and in stores, asking others for suggestions and sometimes even coming right out and asking the recipient what it is they’d like to have. All because I desire to give that special gift that will be appreciated and remembered. One that is meaningful and loved because I’ve thoughtfully selected it. A gift they won’t return!

Here’s an idea. A donation to a ministry or non-profit on behalf of someone won’t be returned and it’s making more than just the honoree happy. This kind of gift blesses the giver, the honoree and the ministry or organization that receives it. Sounds like a win to me. However, not just any organization will do. What you decide to give and who you choose to give to will determine just how happy it makes the honoree.
If you want your gift to be well received, and I know you do, it’s important to give to a ministry or organization that connects with the interests and desires of the honoree. For example, someone concerned about needy children would appreciate you giving to a ministry that provides after-school tutoring, meals and spiritual instruction. Someone with an interest in gardening might greatly appreciate seeds or chickens given in their honor to an international missionary teaching sustainable farming. You might consider giving so that young girls in Ukraine receive an education and hear the gospel. Wouldn’t it be exciting to know that a gift was given to help provide clean drinking water and the Living Water to quench the thirst of those in Africa? There are so many kinds of gifts that can be given to your loved ones that simultaneously meet the needs of others.
Why not make a lasting difference this year at Christmas by giving a gift that won’t be returned. Here are two organizations you can trust to help you give the perfect gift this year at Christmas.
International Mission Board – https://www.imb.org/give/projects/
SEND Relief – https://catalog.sendrelief.org/
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