You have heard the expression “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I have also wondered if you can say something similar as, “If you fail to equip, you are equipped to fail.”
What I mean is if I fail to learn to drive a car, I will likely fail miserably if I get behind the wheel to drive. If I fail to learn to operate a stove, I will fail miserably at cooking. If I fail to learn to operate a lawn mower, I will fail miserably at mowing my lawn.
The reality is I am fully capable of all those things. Sometimes even a little instruction allows much of the process to make sense and then it simply requires some practice, time and confidence. Before long it becomes very natural.

God has called all of us to be equipped for His purpose. Yet, He wants us to be equipped to serve with knowledge and excellence.
I’m reminded of the verses in Ephesians 4:11-16 which speak of the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the body. I especially like verse 16 which says, “from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”
Using a simple acrostic of the word EQUIP, may this be a reminder where we all need to be equipped to serve:
E = Expect.
As a believer, expect that God has called you and wants to use you for His work.
Q = Question.
Ask questions from the very One who has called you how He wants to use you.
U = Understand.
Understand your assignment. Do your homework and be prepared for what He calls you to.
I = Involvement.
Get involved. It is one thing to learn about something. It is totally different to be involved.
P = Practice
Put into practice what He has equipped you to do. Equip yourself to serve.
Discover your own spiritual gifts and grow in them. God has given you gifts, skills, abilities and He calls us to use them for His purpose and glory. Be equipped to serve. Be willing to serve. Be available to serve. And you will be blessed by serving.
Not only should you equip yourself to serve but be intentional about equipping others to serve with you. Multiply yourself so others will experience the mission God has called us to.
The Mission Mobilization Team has several Every Church on Mission workshops scheduled across Kentucky in February. Join one of those workshops to prepare you and your church to take the next steps in mission mobilization. You can learn more by visiting
Be equipped to serve. It will change your life!
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