Remember The Bread

I typically take a list when I shop for groceries.  I do it for this reason: In the midst of Oreos...Breyers Ice Cream...Doritos, it is easy to forget the bread.  It is important in a sea of choices to not forget the main item. Kentucky Baptists are being given a unique opportunity to partner with... Continue Reading →

Thankful for Those Who Serve

This past Sunday morning I was up early, like my mother and grandmother so many times before me, making chicken and dumplings for our annual church Thanksgiving meal.  This being the Thanksgiving season, my mind turned toward my family and the many things for which I am thankful. I thought of how blessed I am... Continue Reading →

Enlarge the Tents

In the book of Isaiah, God tells the remnant of His people living in a difficult time to “Enlarge the place of your tent” (Isaiah 54:2-3).  I love the imagery of a tent.  Tents speak of flexibility, adaptability, and mobility.  You can set up a tent almost anywhere.  A tent can easily be expanded by adding... Continue Reading →

Mobilizing Believers to Tell Everyone

I have the privilege of writing this first post on our new blog, “Kentucky and Beyond”. I’m not exactly sure where it will go, but I’m hoping that the writings of our team will serve as a tool for missions mobilization in Kentucky, North America and around the world. Let me first clarify missions mobilization... Continue Reading →

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