As the world’s population continues to grow, the birthing of new churches is greatly needed. Empowering through prayer and evangelizing the unreached are necessary components of Great Commission faithfulness, as I have previously discussed. The third necessary component of GC faithfulness is establishing churches. As one examines the book of Acts, the strategy of the... Continue Reading →
Healing and Hope
What is our calling as the church of Jesus Christ? If we look to the ministry of Jesus, we see that He demonstrated equal zeal for the ministries of preaching the Gospel and bringing healing to the broken. Luke 4:40-44 gives us a great example of the spiritually balanced ministry of our Savior: "When the... Continue Reading →
It’s State Missions Week
This week Baptists all across Kentucky are focusing on the Week of Prayer for State Missions and the Eliza Broadus Offering. Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union so faithfully promotes state missionaries and ministries year after year and provides material for our mission emphasis. Through the print material and videos we have an opportunity to learn what... Continue Reading →
While serving with a mission construction team, a friend of mine volunteered to install light switches. I was not sure that my friend had experience in electrical work, and so, in a few minutes, I went to check on him. I found him standing in a puddle of water, as he was working with the... Continue Reading →
It’s Back-to-School Time
It is back to school this week for students, faculty, and staff all across the Bluegrass even though it seems they just got out for the summer break. With the beginning of school many Kentucky churches, associations, and ministries held Back-to-School events to provide some fun activities, food, help with much needed school supplies,... Continue Reading →
Celebrate Subtractions!
It’s interesting to note how often we use numbers to determine the success or effectiveness of our churches. We talk about how many attend on Sunday, the number of small groups, how many were baptized or the annual budget. If attendance is less this year than last, things must not be going well. However, that’s... Continue Reading →
So I Sought for a Man
Within North America, one of the greatest pockets of lostness is men. Sixty-one percent of men across our culture do not profess a personal faith in Christ and another thirty-three percent are characterized as cultural Christians. Recent studies identify less than six percent of American men as Biblical believers. However, if dad is the first... Continue Reading →
VBS – A Great Opportunity to Serve in Your Home Church
This week I had the privilege of working in Vacation Bible School at my home church. What a joy it was each evening to see the smiling faces as the children marched into the sanctuary, to hear them pledge allegiance to the flags and Bible, and to hear them sing to the top of their... Continue Reading →
Missions Strategy: Where to Begin?
There are 7 billion people on plant earth. Approxiately 3.9 billion have never been reached with the gospel! It’s easy to become numb by numbers. But each number, whether it be 1 or 1 billion, represents people in need of the gospel of Jesus. If people are really lost without Christ and face an eternity... Continue Reading →