A Dead End in Southeast Asia

The quote from the banner hanging in the stairwell said it best: “My purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God which I believe comes through knowing Christ.” As I climbed the stairs toward our meeting room in Southeast Asia, I saw this banner for the first time.  The picture... Continue Reading →

Earthquake Preparedness

Experts continue to predict that the New Madrid Fault Line, which includes portions of Kentucky, will eventually produce an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude or greater.  A quake of this degree would generate 21 times the energy of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and would likely cause significant structural and infrastructure damage.  It would also potentially displace... Continue Reading →

Bethlehem Experience

Last night I took a trip to “Bethlehem.”  Oh, it was just 40 miles down the road from my house, but was a nice reminder of what that wonderful night some 2000 years ago might have been like. As we entered the city we had to register for the census and declare all of our... Continue Reading →

Oh Give Thanks to the Lord

This week marks the celebration of Thanksgiving.  Turkey, dressing, and desserts will be devoured on Thursday.  Families will gather to eat and give thanks.  But why?  For Americans, we give thanks for many reasons, not least of which is our freedom to live in a land that is free (for now) to worship without the... Continue Reading →

Winter Readiness

If you have never prepared for winter, you may want to begin this year.  Many experts are predicting an early winter with potential for harsh temperatures and large amounts of snow and ice. Severe weather is more than an inconvenience, it can be life-threatening if you are unprepared.  Here are a few tips to help... Continue Reading →

The Gospel, Missions and October 31

October 31 is a day of great celebration among Christians.  We anticipate, or at least we should anticipate, this day every year.  This day marks a great recovery of the gospel.  No, I am not referring to Halloween, but the Reformation. On October 31, 1517, an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses... Continue Reading →

The Bucket Project

Kentucky Baptists have a "Great Commission" opportunity at the 2014 Kentucky Baptist Convention Annual Meeting on November 11. How? Bring a bucket of hope to the annual meeting.  This will help us to push towards the finish line of our 2014 goal of collecting 5,000 hospice care buckets.  These will offer compassion to people in... Continue Reading →

Meet the Missionaries & Ministries

Want a chance to meet and talk one on one with many of our Kentucky missionaries?  Want to know more about missions and ministries in Kentucky?  Looking for an in-state mission opportunity for this fall or next year?  Or, would you just like to participate in a time of worship with mission testimonies, great music,... Continue Reading →

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