Missions Strategy: Equip Leaders

Everyone remembers the last words of a loved one.  In 2 Timothy, Paul gives his last words concerning the gospel to young pastor Timothy.  No doubt that these words were lodged in Timothy’s mind.  As Paul nears the end of his life, chained as a common criminal in a Roman dungeon, he pens his final... Continue Reading →

2015 Kentucky Missionary of the Year

Thirty-two years ago, after serving in Hawaii, Iowa, and Louisville Greg & Alice Whitetree came to the Lookout Community of Pike County, KY to become the Directors of the Freeda Harris Baptist Center.  They planted themselves deeply in the community and today call that place “home.”  Greg & Alice not only minister to children, but... Continue Reading →


Nellie was laid to rest one, October afternoon.  She was eight years of age when complications from HIV/AIDS robbed her life. Nellie contracted HIV/AIDS from her mother's breast-milk.  When her mother died of this terrible disease, someone left her in a box outside an orphanage.  She was a beautiful, vibrant, active little girl.  She loved to hear Bible... Continue Reading →

Meet Our Newest Kentucky Missionaries

Each year we learn of individuals and couples that sense God’s call and leading to serve in ministries across Kentucky.  On Friday, April 10th, twelve of these new missionaries will be commissioned by the Kentucky Baptist Convention, in conjunction with Kentucky WMU, during the WMU annual meeting at the Sand Spring Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg.... Continue Reading →

Missions Strategy: Encourage Leaders

The call of the Great Commission (GC) is tremendous indeed.  It is a privilege to be an ambassador of our King, and yet it is a daunting responsibility.  The Lord never promised that making disciples of all nations would be easy; He did promise, however, that He would be with us.  Yet, the nature of... Continue Reading →

A Coming Disaster

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a disaster as, "a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction."  As these events come raging into our lives, people need someone to come alongside them, if they are to survive and recover. What comes to mind when you hear: Katrina Moore, Oklahoma Tornadoes Colorado Wildfires Hurricane Sandy 9-11... Continue Reading →

Remembering Harold

In 2003 a special missionary couple came to serve in Kentucky.  Harold & Joyce Scroggs attended an Appalachian Regional Ministry Summit at Berea Baptist Church in search of an assignment where God might be leading them.  The rest is history.  For the past 11 ½ years, other than a brief stint back to their home... Continue Reading →

Hope for the Brokenhearted

When disasters come roaring into our lives, loss follows.  The loss can be material possessions: our home, vehicles, household belongings, income, photos, and keepsakes.  Even more devastating, the loss can involve loved ones.   Those who have been affected by these disasters are left to cope with feelings of: Loss Intrusion Vulnerability Escape We must have... Continue Reading →

iGO 2015

The holiday season is behind us and we have entered into a new year.  The cold weather and snow are here, but people are already turning their thoughts toward Spring Break, Summer Vacations, and where they can go on mission in 2015.  Since the 2nd of January the phone calls and emails have abounded with... Continue Reading →

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