Small Church with a BIG Heart for Missions

Recently I had the privilege of visiting with Slate Hill Baptist Church in London, KY to share about ways to reach out to their community through the “Operation InAsMuch Kentucky” emphasis this September.  In asking probing questions to learn more about the church and community I was really impressed to hear of the outreach this... Continue Reading →

Mission Partnership Opportunities Abound

Is your church or association prayerfully considering a new mission partnership, or desiring to begin one for the first time?  If so, the KBC has a wealth of requests for mission partnerships that may be just right for your group.  But how does one go about choosing a mission partnership and what does that partnership... Continue Reading →

Tornado Preparedness

Tornadoes are the most violent storms in nature.  Almost 1200 tornadoes strike every year across the United States.  Winds can reach more than 200 miles per hour, and they can destroy a neighborhood in seconds, leaving behind loss and chaos.  Every year, thousands hold their breath as they watch 15 to 20 of these deadly... Continue Reading →

Kentucky Missionary Honored

Arlene Miller, one of our Kentucky missionaries, was honored this week at the National WMU Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH.  During the Sunday evening session Arlene was presented with the Dellanna West O’Brien Award for Women’s Leadership Development. Arlene has served as a Mission Service Corps funded (self-funded) missionary through the North American Mission Board... Continue Reading →

You are meant for so much more!

All of us have had adversity in our lives.  All of us have likely asked why such adversity comes our way, but have you ever asked why blessings come your way.  It is one thing to ask “why” when bad things happen, but it is another thing to ask “why” when good things happen.  The... Continue Reading →

Building the Kingdom, One Kid At a Time

As we celebrate Baptist Association Emphasis Week, I would like to spotlight a ministry of the Pulaski Baptist Association. Kingdom Kids is an associational children’s ministry.  The ministry was founded in 2006 by Stacey Burton, Evangelism Catalyst with the North American Mission Board and the Kentucky Baptist Convention, with three primary objectives.  First, they are... Continue Reading →

It’s a Matter of the Heart

The heart is an incredible organ created by an even more incredible God.  A healthy heart is vital for life.  When one’s heart is unhealthy, life is at risk.  The Bible understands the importance of the heart.  The Bible speaks of the necessity of a healthy heart.  In fact, the Bible emphatically speaks of humans... Continue Reading →

The Rise of the Nones

The single fastest-growing religious group in Western culture is those who check the box next to the word "None" on national surveys.  This group represents almost 20 percent of the population in America.  Sadly, most churches are reaching few of this group for Christ. We are living in a post-Christian world, and "Nones" are declaring to us,... Continue Reading →

Does the Future of the Association Depend Upon the DOM?

There’s a lot of discussion taking place today about the value of Baptist associations. Arguments can be made for their benefit and importance as well as against their outdated methodologies and ineffectiveness. Having witnessed both effective and ineffective associations first hand, I am convinced the difference is primarily due to leadership, or the absence of.... Continue Reading →

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