In February 2010 Katheryn Pope received an email, totally out of the blue, from the KBC regarding an International Team Leadership Training, and decided to attend. They agreed to help fund a mission trip to São Paulo, Brazil, with a commitment that each participant would then lead a team on an International World Changers trip... Continue Reading →
Hearing Lottie’s Challenge Afresh
She stood well under 5 feet (some say 4 feet, 3 inches). Yet, she was a giant with lion-hearted boldness in calling for missionaries to foreign fields. Writing in 1874 to H. A. Tupper, head of the mission board in her day, she challenged, “Oh that we had active and zealous men who would go... Continue Reading →
Have It Your Way
For forty years, Burger King was known for its slogan, "Have It Your Way." It would be wonderful if one could order life like this. Give me a double blessing with pleasure, money, recognition, a little adventure, and hold the danger. Give me a mega church with extra good health, great leaders, and make it... Continue Reading →
A New Start Should Involve Reaching New People
The New Year’s Eve celebrations have ended and before us is a new year of new opportunities, new beginnings and new direction. This is the time of year that we find ourselves evaluating the past year and making new plans and resolutions for the coming year. Usually the new plans have something to do with... Continue Reading →
A Gift That Keeps on Giving
Christmas 2015 is behind us. Gifts have been unwrapped. Gifts have been given and gifts were received. At this time of year we hear the words of Jesus repeated often that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” And, it is a time of giving. We carefully picked special gifts for those we... Continue Reading →
I’m Not Trained, But I Did Stay at a Holiday Inn Last Night
Believers often ask in Disaster Relief, “Why do I have to go through training to serve as a volunteer? Why can’t I just go help people?” Preparation is important in any area of ministry, because it enables us to be more effective in ministry. The wisdom writer in Ecclesiastes 10:10 declared, “If the ax is dull,... Continue Reading →
Is Serving Others Only a Seasonal Activity?
I love Christmas, the lights, family gatherings, decorations, music and gift giving. It's a time of year when people show compassion to the hurts and needs of others. We see it displayed in the days leading up to Christmas by children taking gifts to the elderly in the nursing home, groups singing carols and delivering... Continue Reading →
The Gift of Christmas
‘Twas not the night before Christmas; no snow was on the ground. ‘Twas not Saint Nicholas and a sleigh full of toys. But… ‘Twas a beautiful, sunny day of November 16, 2015. ‘Twas a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief tractor-trailer full of toys, and driver Gary, who was definitely a “saint.” Gary, a retired truck driver... Continue Reading →
Mister Rogers and the Syrian Crisis
“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won’t you please, won’t you please, Please won’t you be my neighbor? These lyrics are from the song “Won’t You be my Neighbor?” that was sung at the beginning of every episode of the... Continue Reading →
A sign leading into Yankton, South Dakota reads, "Yankton, S. D. The Home of 30,000 Friendly People and a Few Sore-heads." We understand the sign, because we all know a few soreheads. Grumbling and complaining are rarely labeled as being a problem. Grumbling is not one of the seven deadly sins. To my knowledge, there are no... Continue Reading →