My wife and I recently returned from adopting our two year old daughter in Ethiopia. We began this journey nearly four and a half years ago. We spent just under three weeks in Ethiopia finalizing the adoption and returned the week before Christmas. While I still have much to process about this experience, here are some lessons I... Continue Reading →
What Stirs Your Heart?
I have an inflammation of the heart. I have discovered that my condition can be contagious. It all started 32 years ago, when I led a team to central Mexico, as a young youth minister. Don't worry, my heart condition is not fatal. My heart was set aflame in Mexico for "Missions", and my life has never been... Continue Reading →
Christmas Memories
I love Christmas. As the song says, it is truly “the most wonderful time of the year.” There is just a special spirit at this season that in unlike any other. The sights and sounds of Christmas seem to bring out the child in all of us. Our trees are put up, nativity and carolers... Continue Reading →
Living Prepared: Disaster Relief Ministry
Southern Baptists have a long history of demonstrating compassion to those affected by crisis and loss. In 1984, God moved the hearts of Kentucky Baptists to organize a state disaster relief ministry. From that humble beginning, God has raised up 46 mobile disaster relief units, and trained thousands of volunteers to respond. Disasters are nothing... Continue Reading →
It’s All Worth It
This past summer the Lord laid on the hearts of a couple of ladies at Pine Hill Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, KY to have a free clothing give away. They shared this idea with others in the congregation and plans were soon being made for their first ever Operation InAsMuch Day, a one-day blitz by... Continue Reading →
The Famine
A famine is spreading across the globe and if it remains unchecked, the consequences will be devastating. In fact, the repercussions are already being felt. The famine I am referring to is not likely what you are thinking of. While half of the world lives in poverty (living on less than $2 per day) and... Continue Reading →
The Bucket Project
Kentucky Baptist churches will help open many doors for the gospel by packing buckets with hospice supplies and delivering them to the convention's annual meeting in November. Kentucky Baptists are again participating with Baptist Global Response to provide hospice care buckets to help families care for those with HIV/AIDS. Buckets will be collected at the... Continue Reading →
Remembering Larry O
In early 2001 Linda Otterback was scheduled for a mission trip to El Salvador. When the trip had to be cancelled, Linda received a phone call asking if she would like to go to Fleming-Neon instead. “What country is that in?” Linda asked. Linda soon learned that Fleming-Neon is in Eastern Kentucky. She said “yes”... Continue Reading →
To make Him famous
God is concerned for His fame among all the world, all peoples. Fame is the condition of being known or recognized by many people ( fame). If God is ultimate and His glory is the purpose of our existence (as I argued previously), then this praise of God is meant to be among all nations. The... Continue Reading →
Sharing with my International Neighbor
We live in a world on the move. Our cities and communities are becoming more culturally diverse. In Louisville, for example, there are now over one hundred languages represented in the metro school system. Thousands of students are coming from abroad to study at our American universities. The international community is evident in many of... Continue Reading →