The Heart of Leadership

Perhaps no Biblical leader faced the questioning of his leadership like Moses. The Book of Numbers shares that every time Moses turned around, someone was murmuring, grumbling, and questioning his direction and judgement.  It is not easy to lead any group of people, and the family of faith is no different. Leadership is crucial for... Continue Reading →

Meet Our New 2017 Kentucky Missionaries

Spring has officially arrived, which means it is time for our annual missionary orientation and commissioning of the new missionaries serving in Kentucky.  The orientation is a time for the missionaries to learn about the Kentucky Baptist Convention, the Cooperative Program, and many resources and support available to them.  This time of networking with each... Continue Reading →

A Deadly Temptation

"A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor' (Proverbs 29:23). Pride is a frequent topic within the Scriptures, and Proverbs 29:23 reminds us that pride will eventually lead one to fall.  Repeatedly, God warns us of the dangers of pride.  Pride breeds arrogance and self-glorification, and  blinds us to... Continue Reading →

Implementing Associational Change

In today’s rapidly changing context, associational directors of missions (DoMs) are being forced to choose between leading like a missionary or serving as a curator and preserver of what has been.  Effective DoMs who want to see results will choose to have a missionary mindset.  They stand upon the eternal truths of scripture, but are... Continue Reading →

God has not forgotten

While recently visiting a European country to explore gospel partnerships and work among refugees, I was reminded about a truth that all need to hear. As our team listened to story after story of refugees who fled their homeland because of personal danger, one theme continued to emerge—God has not forgotten you! Whether from Iraq,... Continue Reading →

Conflict Settlement

Religion has always been a touchy subject.  Discussions about God, faith, and the church can spark lively and refreshing dialogue; it can also unleash anger and bitter disputes.  As long as there is more than one human present in a place, conflict is possible and likely. The early church was no exception.  In Acts 15,... Continue Reading →

Construction Teams Needed

There are many ways to be on mission in Kentucky.  Opportunities are available to serve through Vacation Bible Schools, Backyard Bible Clubs, block parties, work in food and clothing ministries, prayer walking, sports camps, door-to-door evangelism, serve in free medical and dental clinics, equestrian ministry, prison ministry, racetrack and resort ministry, and outreach with all... Continue Reading →

Preparing Ahead is Half the Battle

Like anything else in life that is done well, preparation for short-term missions is key. Leading a short-term mission team, particularly overseas, is an enormous challenge. There are many factors to consider when short-term teams plan international missions. Those assigned to lead such teams must consider these factors. Wisdom says planning ahead is always best.... Continue Reading →

Reaching the Nations

It was estimated that last year over 50 million people were displaced from their homes, with around 19.5 million forced to live as refugees.  These people have been driven from their homes by war, violence, persecution, and disasters. No longer safe to live in the place that they have called home, refugees are often forced to flee... Continue Reading →

Much to be Done in the New Year

  Welcome 2017. The year 2016 is now history. This past year ended with lots of church and ministry outreach events. Hot meals were served. Warm blankets, coats, scarfs, and gloves were given out for the upcoming cold winter months. Christmas was made brighter for many children as they received a special toy. Thanks to... Continue Reading →

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