Thankful for Kentucky Missions

It’s November and Fall is in the air.  The days are getting shorter.  The crisp, cooler temperatures are here, and the hills are filled with the beautiful red, orange, and yellow colors of the season.  Soon we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day and reflect on the many ways God has blessed us this past year. What... Continue Reading →

Going to Zimbabwe

Recently, I had the privilege to lead my second short-term mission team to Zimbabwe, Africa.  The purpose of the mission was twofold: train pastors and church leaders in theological education and model racial reconciliation.  The team consisted of 8 African-American pastors and 5 Anglo pastors.  The team was not only diverse ethnically, but also demographically. ... Continue Reading →

Will Your Life Count?

Where does time go?  It seems only yesterday that I was playing right tackle for the Greenback Cherokees.  Just minutes ago, I was looking into the eyes of the most beautiful girl in the world as I said, "I Do."  And our children, how could they all have grown up so fast? Somewhere it hits... Continue Reading →

Global Hunger Sunday

When Southern Baptists observe Global Hunger Sunday on October 8, they will be called to act on the commands of Scripture.  The Bible tells us that when Jesus saw the hungry and hurting multitude in Matthew 14, "He had compassion on them..."  He healed and fed those who flocked to Him. Scripture is filled with God's... Continue Reading →

Global Song

He was captive to the thought that the greatness and salvation of God should be extended to the nations.  He was determined that the nations be called to worship the one true God through the gift of His Son, Jesus.  He wrote of praying prayers such as this: “I covenanted with my Father that He... Continue Reading →

It’s Not Too Late…

  School is back in session, summer is almost over, and Christmas is soon approaching.  Although only four months away, there is still time to participate in the Christmas Backpack Project for children affected by poverty.  17.3 million of the children living in the U.S. live in poverty, with almost 1 million of them in... Continue Reading →

Looking for Mission Partnerships?

As a church leader you desire to lead your church to obey the Great Commission, but maybe you are not sure where to go?  If you are looking for mission partnerships, look no further.  The Mission Mobilization Team of the Kentucky Baptist Convention is here to help your church reach Kentucky and the world for... Continue Reading →

Why Ready Church?

Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief has developed a strategy plan called 'Ready Church" to help local churches to minister when disaster strikes in their community.  Ready Church seeks to assist churches in preparing a response strategy for disaster and crisis events  for the sake of Christ. Why Ready Church? Because most churches and organizations fail to... Continue Reading →

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