SUPPORTING GOSPEL WORK IN OPPRESSED PLACES AND DURING TURBULENT TIMES! “14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 15 For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 16 to the one... Continue Reading →
Churches and the Missionary Task: Discipleship
The aim Missiologists often say, “God’s church doesn’t have a mission. Rather, God’s mission has a church.” The aim of the Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:16-20). This Great Commission aim is the reason every church exists. Discipleship is third in the missionary task (entry, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation,... Continue Reading →
Introducing Kentucky’s 2020 Missionary of the Year
Kentucky Mission Service Corps Missionary Nelle Thomas has been investing in the lives of children in her community since 2007 when she and a handful of volunteers directed Kid’s Café, a weekly Bible study and meals for children on Wednesday evenings at their local church. As this outreach began to grow God laid on Nelle’s... Continue Reading →
Being Prepared
Hurricane Laura slammed Louisiana last Thursday as a deadly Category 4 storm. In Lake Charles, roofs were peeled off, buildings ripped apart, and lampposts scattered like twigs. This storm reminded us again that disasters come and can catch us unprepared for the devastation left behind. Being prepared increases our ability to survive and to respond... Continue Reading →
Teachers Struggle with Back to School
It is “back to school” like no other time in our history. School districts are debating whether to reopen in person or conduct online learning, or a combination of both! Schools that do reopen may be faced with enforced closures if the virus positivity rate increases within the school or district. The uncertainty of how... Continue Reading →
Prayer, The Church, and Christ’s Commission!
4 Reasons Why Prayer Empowers the Church on Missions! “What we need in China is more workers. The harvest is very great, the laborers, oh! so few. Why does the Southern Baptist church lag behind in this great work?” – Lottie Moon, November 1, 1873, Tungchow One of the greatest resources the church has for... Continue Reading →
Churches and the Missionary Task: Evangelism
In the world of missions people rightly ask, “What really does a missionary do?” In turn, many rightly ask, “What, then, does a short-term mission team do?” Back in February, I began a series discussing the missionary task which is explained helpfully by the International Mission Board (IMB) through their IMB Foundations Magazine. IMB... Continue Reading →
What has your mission year looked like?
In a year that has been anything but normal, what has your church done in the area of missions? Dates had been set, plans had been made, funds had been set aside for that summer mission trip, then COVID hit. Everything practically shut down and, more than likely, your mission trip was cancelled. This left... Continue Reading →
Standing Ready
Disasters come whether one is prepared or not, and tragically most churches fail to prepare for disaster events in their community. As Stephen Cyros declared, “Remember, when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.” Be prepared as a church by: Encouraging the need for preparation. Church leaders can lead in providing disaster preparation information... Continue Reading →
What is Missions in the New Normal?
In Matthew 13:44, Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from the joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” As pastors and church leaders empowering our congregations to reassemble for worship and... Continue Reading →