Recently I spent a few days in the Smokies. While there, my sister and I visited a couple of Christmas shops. There was Christmas music playing and we saw all types of decorations and gifts. My favorite decoration is the nativity, and they had some neat ones. I sang along with the Christmas carols and,... Continue Reading →
You Can’t Be One and Not the Other
I gave my life to Christ at the age of nine. I understood then, as much as young boy can, that I was making a commitment to become a Christ follower. That meant allowing Christ to control every aspect of my life. I knew that my life was no longer mine. I was to model... Continue Reading →
Key Missional Skill: Think Like a Missionary
How can I think like a missionary?Missionaries live with a deep love and compassion for those who are far from God. They are burdened for those who are lost — those who are like sheep without a shepherd. They live by the words of Jesus when He said, “I have other sheep that are not... Continue Reading →
Bringing Help, Hope and Healing
Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention I am so grateful to our Kentucky Disaster Relief volunteers who are so eager and willing to respond to those who are suffering from disaster. It seems we have seen so many people that have been affected in some way and several even repeatedly. That is what... Continue Reading →
Holding the Ropes in New York City
William Carey is known as the “father of modern missions.” He was a missionary to India in the late 1700s. He and his good friend, Andrew Fuller, partnered together for the advancement of the gospel. While Carey went to India, Fuller stayed back home becoming president of the Baptist Mission Society. Carey famously said to... Continue Reading →
Crossroads Baptist Church Helping to Restart Nada Mission
Just off the Mountain Parkway, on the Wolfe-Morgan County line, sits Crossroads Baptist Church, a little white church in the quaint community of Helechawa, KY. The building that once housed the community school was given to the church as a place of worship. In 2007 Crossroads was started as a mission of Faith Baptist Church... Continue Reading →
Timing proves critical to sharing gospel with refugees
A word from IMB workers and The Global Refugee Network: Time is never a guarantee when Christians meet a refugee in Greece. They may have years, months, weeks or just hours to share the hope that is found in Jesus. This is why International Mission Board missionaries and ministry partners who serve in Athens, Greece,... Continue Reading →
Are You Ready?
Ron Crow, Disaster Relief Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention I remember driving through our community one sunny afternoon and drove past the local fire station. I noticed that the overhead doors were open, and I was assuming at first that it was because it was such a beautiful day. But then something else caught my eye.... Continue Reading →
First Responders with Gospel Urgency
A tsunami of debris engulfed the city blocks surrounding the World Trade Center. Just prior to this wave of debris, smoke rose in the New York City skyline as both towers were struck by hijacked commercial airliners on September 11, 2001. Thousands attempted to escape the chaos of the enflamed buildings and surrounding area. While... Continue Reading →
Introducing the 2021 Kentucky Missionary of the Year
Cory Bledsoe, Executive Director of Re:Center Ministries in Louisville has been chosen as the 2021 Kentucky Missionary of the Year. This award is given annually to a missionary that demonstrates: Commitment to and effectiveness in evangelism, church planting, or ministry.Demonstration of “going the second mile”.Outstanding performance in achieving assigned tasks.Tenure.Unusual commitment to our Lord’s service.Positive... Continue Reading →