It’s almost time for March Madness as NCAA men’s basketball teams finish out their regular season play in hopes of winning their way through the tournament bracket. It’s been an exciting season for some and disappointing for others. It’s no mistake that many of the best teams in the tournament will have a strong reserve... Continue Reading →
Let’s Stop Seasonal Serving
I love Christmas, the lights, family gatherings, decorations, music and gift giving. It's a time of year when people show compassion to the hurts and needs of others. We see it displayed in the days leading to Christmas by children taking gifts to the elderly in the nursing home, groups singing carols and delivering cookies... Continue Reading →
Elimination of Roe v. Wade Doesn’t Eliminate Need to Minister
On July 13th, 1984, on the 11th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Ronald Regan proclaimed “National Sanctity of Human Life Day”. He stated that one of those unalienable rights, as the Declaration of Independence affirms so eloquently, is the right to life.” President Regan went on to say that right to life belongs equally... Continue Reading →
Give a Gift They Won’t Return!
We have officially entered the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. There is shopping to do, cookies to bake, activities for the kids and presents to wrap. Giving someone the perfect gift can be a hard thing to do. Do I really know what they need, or more importantly what they would want? It’s... Continue Reading →
Pastoral Care for Sent-Ones
Shepherding Sent-Ones In terms of the local church sending missionaries, one of the most overlooked areas is missionary care. Providing missionaries with a touch point of Pastoral Care is critical for them to not only maintain a healthy relationship with the church, but also sustain a healthy relationship and share Christ well among the nations.... Continue Reading →
Adopt a Sent-One
Missionary Care Through Missional Communities Taking the gospel to the nations is not an easy task. As missionaries go out to proclaim the good news, they often become discouraged and consider quitting. Why? They feel as if they are entirely on their own, without the active support of sending brothers and sisters who can uphold,... Continue Reading →
Care Teams for Sent-Ones
Care Teams are the most tangible expression of our church’s commitment to support our missionaries who are serving in cross-cultural environments. The team is centered around one team leader and can be made up of 3-8 individuals who provide on-going care and support. They serve as a primary link between the church as a whole... Continue Reading →
How Will You Be A Voice For Life?
Near the conclusion of the creation account found in Genesis 1, God’s Word makes a profound statement that highlights the significance and value of all human life. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” While there are many... Continue Reading →
The end of the year is often marked by a seemingly endless barrage of family gatherings, cookie swaps, white elephant gift exchanges, office parties and more. The holidays cause some to stress and wonder if they can fit everything into their schedule. Others experience profound sadness as they reflect on the loss of a loved... Continue Reading →
Missional Skills: Developing Healthy Exit Strategies
The landscape of Kentucky has changed! The nations are now our neighbors. Over a quarter of a million Kentuckians do not speak English at home, and nearly 180,000 citizens of the commonwealth are foreign born. Many of these are unreached peoples who have yet to hear the gospel. Population growth in cities like Bowling Green,... Continue Reading →