Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief remains ready to respond during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to partner with Kentucky Emergency Management and other responders. The pandemic has been unlike any previous crisis response and we have been forced to adapt and be creative in our response. For example, Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief donated 12,150 N-95 masks... Continue Reading →
Practical guide for family prayer and encouragement
Missions is a family affair. In Acts 2, the Bible records Peter’s powerful sermon on the day of Pentecost. As Peter was preaching, the Holy Spirt moved in the hearts of those who were listening. They pleaded with Peter, “What must we do to be saved?” Peter answered them and said, “Repent and be baptized!” As... Continue Reading →
Responding to the Coronavirus
The Coronavirus is creating stress and anxiety across our nation and all of us should continue to monitor this outbreak and be prepared to adjust as the situation evolves. We should take the outbreak very seriously but be sure of our facts and avoid panic. Here are facts and safety tips about Coronavirus: There... Continue Reading →
Baptist Leaders Call for Unified Care for Displaced People
This is a big enough issue and a big opportunity for the church to be the church in some of the most strategic areas here in the states and across the world. I think there needs to be a voice coming from our convention that would provide a structure for what we’re doing so that... Continue Reading →
I’m Not Trained, But I Did Stay at a Holiday Inn Last Night
Believers often ask in Disaster Relief, “Why do I have to go through training to serve as a volunteer? Why can’t I just go help people?” Preparation is important in any area of ministry, because it enables us to be more effective in ministry. The wisdom writer in Ecclesiastes 10:10 declared, “If the ax is dull,... Continue Reading →
The Key to Success
How do you measure success? The world looks at bank accounts, houses, prestige, degrees earned, or your position in the company. The athletic world looks at scores, games won, and championships attained. The church may look at membership rolls, worship attendance, the number of baptisms, or the size of buildings. All of these things are... Continue Reading →
How Will You Be A Voice For Life?
These Syrian children were forcibly displaced and now live as refugees with their mother in Athens, Greece. Over half of the world's refugees are children. In this family's case, their father had been killed. These children live with their mother in an apartment building that had been converted into a makeshift urban "camp." Near the... Continue Reading →
Wise Instruction for a Leader
Good leaders are deciders. Leaders make decisions and move forward. They may not always be right, but they do not allow themselves to be paralyzed by indecision. Great spiritual leadership recognizes the need for God to be integral in the process of decision-making. In Exodus 18: 19-21 Moses was given great leadership advice by his... Continue Reading →
Choose Obedience Over Safety
I talked with a pastor last week who was discouraged and hurting. The reason he was discouraged might surprise you, because worship attendance wasn’t down and the church wasn’t behind in the budget. It wasn’t because of internal fighting or dissatisfaction with his sermons. Instead, this pastor was discouraged because members felt like conducting ministry... Continue Reading →
The end of the year is often marked by a seemingly endless barrage of family gatherings, cookie swaps, white elephant gift exchanges, office parties and more. The holidays cause some to stress out and wonder if they can fit everything in. Others experience profound sadness as they reflect on the loss of a loved one... Continue Reading →