C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity, “Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.” Volunteers with Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief give themselves away for the good of others and the sake of Christ when disasters strike. They have discovered the joy that is found in giving all that... Continue Reading →
The Cooperative Program is more than Money!
When I think of Kentucky Baptist, one word that rises to the top is generosity. Kentucky Baptist are generous people, who have a vision to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere. I do not take for granted the compassionate prayers, the personal commitment, and the financial sacrifice that Kentucky Baptist make... Continue Reading →
Simple Lessons for The Called
“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” – General Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State If I could break down all I have learned to share with a next generation of those called by God, I would offer these... Continue Reading →
Being Prepared
Hurricane Laura slammed Louisiana last Thursday as a deadly Category 4 storm. In Lake Charles, roofs were peeled off, buildings ripped apart, and lampposts scattered like twigs. This storm reminded us again that disasters come and can catch us unprepared for the devastation left behind. Being prepared increases our ability to survive and to respond... Continue Reading →
Standing Ready
Disasters come whether one is prepared or not, and tragically most churches fail to prepare for disaster events in their community. As Stephen Cyros declared, “Remember, when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.” Be prepared as a church by: Encouraging the need for preparation. Church leaders can lead in providing disaster preparation information... Continue Reading →
What is Missions in the New Normal?
In Matthew 13:44, Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from the joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” As pastors and church leaders empowering our congregations to reassemble for worship and... Continue Reading →
On a Mission From God
Moses was chosen, called, and commissioned by the Lord to deliver and lead the people of God. Though reluctant to lead at first, Moses demonstrated himself to be a skilled and effective leader. His uniquely close relationship with God was the foundation of his leadership and enabled him to lead amid a diverse and often... Continue Reading →
It’s a Perfect Fit
For several years, the Kentucky Baptist Convention has helped local churches and associations to conduct medical and dental clinics that minister to the needs of people in their communities. The clinics have traditionally been conducted on weekends during the months of March, April and May. However, the work to meet the medical and spiritual needs... Continue Reading →
Listen, Lament, Pray, Repent
Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. The Gospel is about reconciliation with God through Christ that results in peace between all relationships, where God and man, man and woman, humanity and creation can flourish and work as He intended. As believers, we are ambassadors for Christ, and we are to proclaim the gospel to people from every... Continue Reading →
Do Not Be Alarmed
For most of us our world has changed in 2020. Our world has been drastically altered by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are washing our hands and using sanitizer more. We are social distancing and wearing face masks as we try to not get too close to one another. Many of us have stockpiled food, water,... Continue Reading →