Great Commission Players, Not Benchwarmers

It’s almost time for March Madness as NCAA men’s basketball teams finish out their regular season play in hopes of winning their way through the tournament bracket. It’s been an exciting season for some and disappointing for others. It’s no mistake that many of the best teams in the tournament will have a strong reserve... Continue Reading →

Practicing Perseverance

Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything[1]. 36 hours. That is how long it took on a recent missions trip to travel from Kentucky to Central Asia (We can’t disclose the precise location for security... Continue Reading →

God-Given Missions Potential

I was speaking recently to the pastor of a small Kentucky church that was doing a great job engaging their local community with gospel focused ministry.  I celebrated all that God was doing and how exciting it was to witness the congregation’s concern for their neighbors. I then asked my pastor friend about the church’s... Continue Reading →

Insubordinate Witnesses

I recently overheard a conversation among friends about a company that fired an employee after he refused to follow the demands of his supervisor.  I chimed in that “he deserved his punishment” and shouldn’t have been surprised since he knew what was expected of him when signing on for the job. Several days later while... Continue Reading →

Why Are We Going?

The summer months are usually busy with activity as groups go on mission to share Christ.  In years past, mission trips were typically only taken during the summer when school was out.  But many more groups are exploring other times of the year for engaging in volunteer mission efforts, like fall break and Christmas vacation. ... Continue Reading →

Caring Enough to SEND Our Very Best

One of the most recognized and trusted advertising slogans in the world is “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”.  This phrase is more than just a slogan for Hallmark, it was a business commitment for the distinctive card company.  When Ed Goodman, a Hallmark sales and marketing executive, wrote the words on... Continue Reading →

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