Moses was chosen, called, and commissioned by the Lord to deliver and lead the people of God. Though reluctant to lead at first, Moses demonstrated himself to be a skilled and effective leader. His uniquely close relationship with God was the foundation of his leadership and enabled him to lead amid a diverse and often... Continue Reading →
It’s a Perfect Fit
For several years, the Kentucky Baptist Convention has helped local churches and associations to conduct medical and dental clinics that minister to the needs of people in their communities. The clinics have traditionally been conducted on weekends during the months of March, April and May. However, the work to meet the medical and spiritual needs... Continue Reading →
Listen, Lament, Pray, Repent
Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. The Gospel is about reconciliation with God through Christ that results in peace between all relationships, where God and man, man and woman, humanity and creation can flourish and work as He intended. As believers, we are ambassadors for Christ, and we are to proclaim the gospel to people from every... Continue Reading →
Do Not Be Alarmed
For most of us our world has changed in 2020. Our world has been drastically altered by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are washing our hands and using sanitizer more. We are social distancing and wearing face masks as we try to not get too close to one another. Many of us have stockpiled food, water,... Continue Reading →
3 Keys for Sharing Christ with Muslims
For over two decades, the Lord has blessed me with opportunities to serve Him by sharing the gospel with Muslims around the world. As 1.8 Billion Muslims are fasting and praying during Ramadan in midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, now is the time for Christians to share Christ. Here are three keys: 1. Prayer and... Continue Reading →
Teach Me to Do Your Will During COVID-19
Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief remains ready to respond during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to partner with Kentucky Emergency Management and other responders. The pandemic has been unlike any previous crisis response and we have been forced to adapt and be creative in our response. For example, Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief donated 12,150 N-95 masks... Continue Reading →
Creatively Meeting Needs During the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every community and every element of our society. Businesses, schools, organizations and even parks, are closed if they don’t provide what is considered an essential service. Most people are sheltered in place, while those that do get out are forced to practice social distancing. The pandemic has impacted our medical... Continue Reading →
Practical guide for family prayer and encouragement
Missions is a family affair. In Acts 2, the Bible records Peter’s powerful sermon on the day of Pentecost. As Peter was preaching, the Holy Spirt moved in the hearts of those who were listening. They pleaded with Peter, “What must we do to be saved?” Peter answered them and said, “Repent and be baptized!” As... Continue Reading →
Responding to the Coronavirus
The Coronavirus is creating stress and anxiety across our nation and all of us should continue to monitor this outbreak and be prepared to adjust as the situation evolves. We should take the outbreak very seriously but be sure of our facts and avoid panic. Here are facts and safety tips about Coronavirus: There... Continue Reading →
Baptist Leaders Call for Unified Care for Displaced People
This is a big enough issue and a big opportunity for the church to be the church in some of the most strategic areas here in the states and across the world. I think there needs to be a voice coming from our convention that would provide a structure for what we’re doing so that... Continue Reading →