I recently read a blog post introduced to me by one of our Kentucky missionaries that was written in July of 2014 by Adam Mosley. After working with missionaries for most of my ministry, I know that what Adam has written is so true. If you’ve not served as a missionary, you might not know... Continue Reading →
What Should We Ask of the Association?
Kentucky just finished our annual Director of Missions Leadership Advance which is an annual retreat and continuing education experience for DOMs. It was a great experience with many wonderful presenters who stretched, challenged and equipped DOMs in their role of associational leadership. Ed Stetzer of Lifeway Research did an awesome job challenging DOMs to... Continue Reading →
The Rise of the Nones
The single fastest-growing religious group in Western culture is those who check the box next to the word "None" on national surveys. This group represents almost 20 percent of the population in America. Sadly, most churches are reaching few of this group for Christ. We are living in a post-Christian world, and "Nones" are declaring to us,... Continue Reading →
Nellie was laid to rest one, October afternoon. She was eight years of age when complications from HIV/AIDS robbed her life. Nellie contracted HIV/AIDS from her mother's breast-milk. When her mother died of this terrible disease, someone left her in a box outside an orphanage. She was a beautiful, vibrant, active little girl. She loved to hear Bible... Continue Reading →
A Coming Disaster
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a disaster as, "a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction." As these events come raging into our lives, people need someone to come alongside them, if they are to survive and recover. What comes to mind when you hear: Katrina Moore, Oklahoma Tornadoes Colorado Wildfires Hurricane Sandy 9-11... Continue Reading →
Growing Churches Engage Their Communities
In Autopsy of a Deceased Church, Thom Rainer explores consistent themes among churches that have died. Then, in response to those themes, and most importantly, he walks the reader through the “radical paths necessary to keep the church alive to the glory of God.” One of the consistent themes he discovered was that dying churches... Continue Reading →
Hope for the Brokenhearted
When disasters come roaring into our lives, loss follows. The loss can be material possessions: our home, vehicles, household belongings, income, photos, and keepsakes. Even more devastating, the loss can involve loved ones. Those who have been affected by these disasters are left to cope with feelings of: Loss Intrusion Vulnerability Escape We must have... Continue Reading →
I’m Not Trained, but I Did Stay at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night
Believers often ask in Disaster Relief, “Why do I have to go through training to serve as a volunteer? Why can’t I just go help people?” Preparation is important in any area of ministry, because it enables us to be more effective in ministry. The wisdom writer in Ecclesiastes 10:10 declared, “If the ax is... Continue Reading →
They were Called to Go – and Went!
I was reminded this week about Abraham who was called to go out to a new land. Although he didn't know what would happen, Abraham showed great faith by obeying and going (Hebrews 11:8). Think about the practical application of this verse. It doesn’t appear that Abraham hesitated or argued with God. When he was... Continue Reading →
Reaching Our Judea
The Bible tells us that when the Holy Spirit fills us, we will be witnesses of Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the entire world (Acts 1:8). Jesus made it clear that the gospel wasn't just for a specific people or only those living in a certain place. He wanted us to share the message... Continue Reading →