Is Yours an Innie or an Outie?

Most of us can answer pretty quickly about whether we have an innie or an outie, if we're talking about belly buttons. Whether you end up with an innie or an outie is usually a matter of chance. Most people end up with innies, but some people have outies. Outies usually occur when more of... Continue Reading →

The Future of Associations

If associations are going to exist in the future we must ask the hard questions now and that is why I’ve chosen to share the following article with you.  It is from a June 21, 2016 blog post by Ed Stetzer.  It addresses the importance of associations demonstrating their value to local churches and was... Continue Reading →

When a Change of Course is Necessary

Not long ago, I was invited to preach at a church in a metropolitan area.  I arrived on a Sunday morning to a large church facility that was showing some signs of some needed maintenance and renovation.  I estimated that the auditorium would seat 700-800 people.  They had an abundance of Bible study classrooms and... Continue Reading →

Global Conquest…Now

God is a conquering God.  Last month I explored God’s conquest in the OT by looking at Joshua’s leadership among the people of Israel and their campaign to take the land of promise.  We see glimpses of God’s conquest strategy in the OT.  Ultimately, God will use His people to conquer lives, not lands.  He... Continue Reading →

Good Fishing

Jesus said to His first disciples, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”  (Matthew 4:19.)  I had a good friend who was an excellent fisherman, and made a decent living as a fishing guide.  If there was one fish in a lake, my friend would catch it.  Why was he such a good... Continue Reading →

What’s the Fuss?

I recently led a workshop in which I shared how many churches today were actively engaging their communities by being the hands and feet of Jesus through acts of service. I suggested that by doing so, the church would be more relevant to the community and doors for spiritual influence would be opened.  One of... Continue Reading →

How Many ATTEND or How Many We SEND?

Many churches count how many attend as if that is something that determines it’s success. How many we’re seating on any given Sunday was never intended to be a tool used to determine effectiveness.  But, how many the church sends out each week is an indicator of a church’s health and Biblical obedience. "And how... Continue Reading →


They often flee in the middle of the night, taking only what they can carry.  They flee because their ethnicity, religion, or politics make it unsafe to remain in the place that has been home.  They are refugees.  People without a home, without a country. The decision to leave their homeland is not a easy... Continue Reading →

Community Ministry Involves 75% of Congregation

I may not have believed this if I didn’t experience it myself. September of 2015 marked the first year that Kentucky Baptist Convention churches were invited, encouraged and equipped to conduct a statewide Operation Inasmuch (OIAM) effort. We discovered that somewhere between 55-75% of a church’s Sunday morning attendance participated in their OIAM ministry. I... Continue Reading →

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