Believers often ask in Disaster Relief, “Why do I have to go through training to serve as a volunteer? Why can’t I just go help people?” Preparation is important in any area of ministry, because it enables us to be more effective in ministry. The wisdom writer in Ecclesiastes 10:10 declared, “If the ax is... Continue Reading →
They were Called to Go – and Went!
I was reminded this week about Abraham who was called to go out to a new land. Although he didn't know what would happen, Abraham showed great faith by obeying and going (Hebrews 11:8). Think about the practical application of this verse. It doesn’t appear that Abraham hesitated or argued with God. When he was... Continue Reading →
The Bucket Project
Kentucky Baptists have a "Great Commission" opportunity at the 2014 Kentucky Baptist Convention Annual Meeting on November 11. How? Bring a bucket of hope to the annual meeting. This will help us to push towards the finish line of our 2014 goal of collecting 5,000 hospice care buckets. These will offer compassion to people in... Continue Reading →
What’s Your Story?
Story telling is a powerful tool for people of any age or culture. Whether it involves reading a story book to my grand-daughter or telling my co-workers about something that happened to me, a person's interest is held captive by a story. I remember how powerful our story was after my wife and I lost... Continue Reading →
Healing and Hope
What is our calling as the church of Jesus Christ? If we look to the ministry of Jesus, we see that He demonstrated equal zeal for the ministries of preaching the Gospel and bringing healing to the broken. Luke 4:40-44 gives us a great example of the spiritually balanced ministry of our Savior: "When the... Continue Reading →
Reaching Our Judea
The Bible tells us that when the Holy Spirit fills us, we will be witnesses of Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the entire world (Acts 1:8). Jesus made it clear that the gospel wasn't just for a specific people or only those living in a certain place. He wanted us to share the message... Continue Reading →
Missions Strategy: Evangelize the Unreached
When Great Commission faithfulness begins with fervent prayer, as I wrote about last month, it leads to bold gospel proclamation (e.g., Acts 4). The second component of Great Commission faithfulness is evangelizing the unreached. Peter preaches his second sermon at the temple area in Acts 3. Chapter 4 describes Peter and John being arrested for... Continue Reading →
While serving with a mission construction team, a friend of mine volunteered to install light switches. I was not sure that my friend had experience in electrical work, and so, in a few minutes, I went to check on him. I found him standing in a puddle of water, as he was working with the... Continue Reading →
So I Sought for a Man
Within North America, one of the greatest pockets of lostness is men. Sixty-one percent of men across our culture do not profess a personal faith in Christ and another thirty-three percent are characterized as cultural Christians. Recent studies identify less than six percent of American men as Biblical believers. However, if dad is the first... Continue Reading →