What’s the Fuss?

I recently led a workshop in which I shared how many churches today were actively engaging their communities by being the hands and feet of Jesus through acts of service. I suggested that by doing so, the church would be more relevant to the community and doors for spiritual influence would be opened.  One of... Continue Reading →

How Many ATTEND or How Many We SEND?

Many churches count how many attend as if that is something that determines it’s success. How many we’re seating on any given Sunday was never intended to be a tool used to determine effectiveness.  But, how many the church sends out each week is an indicator of a church’s health and Biblical obedience. "And how... Continue Reading →


They often flee in the middle of the night, taking only what they can carry.  They flee because their ethnicity, religion, or politics make it unsafe to remain in the place that has been home.  They are refugees.  People without a home, without a country. The decision to leave their homeland is not a easy... Continue Reading →

Community Ministry Involves 75% of Congregation

I may not have believed this if I didn’t experience it myself. September of 2015 marked the first year that Kentucky Baptist Convention churches were invited, encouraged and equipped to conduct a statewide Operation Inasmuch (OIAM) effort. We discovered that somewhere between 55-75% of a church’s Sunday morning attendance participated in their OIAM ministry. I... Continue Reading →

Rebuilding the Walls

The physical damage from disasters can be catastrophic to communities, families, and individuals.  Everyone who is affected faces a long recovery.  Once the immediate crisis has passed, it can be months and even years before lives begin to normalize. Rebuild ministry is a way to help families and vulnerable populations restore their lives and recover... Continue Reading →

Have It Your Way

For forty years, Burger King was known for its slogan, "Have It Your Way."  It would be wonderful if one could order life like this. Give me a double blessing with pleasure, money, recognition, a little adventure, and hold the danger. Give me a mega church with extra good health, great leaders, and make it... Continue Reading →


A sign leading into Yankton, South Dakota reads, "Yankton, S. D. The Home of 30,000 Friendly People and a Few Sore-heads."  We understand the sign, because we all know a few soreheads. Grumbling and complaining are rarely labeled as being a problem.  Grumbling is not one of the seven deadly sins.  To my knowledge, there are no... Continue Reading →

Safe Church

Once upon a time, churches were considered safe havens that were untouched by the violence of our world.  The recent mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina has again reminded us of the need to be prepared for the unthinkable.  First Thessalonians 5:3 cautions us about the false thought... Continue Reading →

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