Creating Missional Habits

2025 is here. As always, time moves forward and life with all its complexities keeps on happening. Like many others, I often think about New Year’s resolutions, once January the 1st arrives. Sadly, like many others, my resolutions often don’t make it too far along!  Part of the failure comes from my tendency to talk... Continue Reading →

Ask, Seek, Knock

I am a very visual person. I learn by seeing and doing more than reading and listening. It is just the way God made me. But when I read or listen, I have to visualize something that I’m reading that will allow me to fully understand. That’s one reason I love the parables Jesus taught.... Continue Reading →

Caring Enough to SEND Our Very Best

One of the most recognized and trusted advertising slogans in the world is “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”.  This phrase is more than just a slogan for Hallmark, it was a business commitment for the distinctive card company.  When Ed Goodman, a Hallmark sales and marketing executive, wrote the words on... Continue Reading →

Pastoral Care for Sent-Ones

Shepherding Sent-Ones In terms of the local church sending missionaries, one of the most overlooked areas is missionary care. Providing missionaries with a touch point of Pastoral Care is critical for them to not only maintain a healthy relationship with the church, but also sustain a healthy relationship and share Christ well among the nations.... Continue Reading →

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