Rise and Respond I was reading in Acts 9 about when the Lord confronted Saul on his journey to Damascus. It is such an awesome story of a call to salvation and a call to be on mission. In the story, the Lord confronted Saul with a bright light in a very supernatural moment. The... Continue Reading →
Displaced People: God’s Great Commission Strategy
Displaced People: God’s Great Commission Strategy We live in an incredibly unique time to fulfill the great commission! Every day, millions of people are moving across the planet and communities, cities, and countries are literally changing overnight. In the midst of this migration, God is opening new pathways for the church to be on mission... Continue Reading →
SEND Relief: Respond to the Afghan Refugee Crisis Today!
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” In the midst of the current tragedy, I want to recognize the beautiful, courageous, and marvelous Afghan people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. Although many of their stories have yet to be... Continue Reading →
Living in Response to the Gospel
Thinking like a missionary is a reasonable service proposition (Romans 12:1). It is not extreme in light of what Christ has done for us. Following Jesus might seem radical or extreme at the outset, but once the initial step has been made the missionary mindset follows naturally. Following Jesus re-wires our thinking. It changes every... Continue Reading →
Key Missional Skill: Think Like a Missionary
How can I think like a missionary?Missionaries live with a deep love and compassion for those who are far from God. They are burdened for those who are lost — those who are like sheep without a shepherd. They live by the words of Jesus when He said, “I have other sheep that are not... Continue Reading →
Timing proves critical to sharing gospel with refugees
A word from IMB workers and The Global Refugee Network: Time is never a guarantee when Christians meet a refugee in Greece. They may have years, months, weeks or just hours to share the hope that is found in Jesus. This is why International Mission Board missionaries and ministry partners who serve in Athens, Greece,... Continue Reading →
Embracing the World at Your Doorstep!
God is opening gospel opportunities by bringing diaspora and displaced people to our doorstep! Church, now is the time to embrace the nations as our neighbors, and share the love of Christ with those who have never heard! Welcome the displaced locally. We live in an incredibly unique time to fulfill the great commission! Technology,... Continue Reading →
In the remaining months of 2021, leaders will better see if the COVID pandemic was simply a blip in planning or a complete disruption to ministry as we have known it. In a recent Barna webcast, the question was posed, “Is this an interruption or a disruption?” An interruption means this is only a temporary... Continue Reading →
How to approach evangelism with different cultures, faiths, and worldviews
The United States is a melting pot of cultures and worldviews. Migration brings thousands of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists to cities all around the country every year. This trend continues while agnosticism, atheism and apathy marks the worldview of many Americans. For Western Christians, being a witness for Christ in a religiously plural society is... Continue Reading →
Prayer: Reaching the Nations Next Door!
The mission of advancing the gospel is the great work of the church, and prayer is the engine that moves it. As God brings the nations to America, he continues to open the eyes of believers to see the unreached and least reached people across our state. Of the 200,000 plus foreign-born and their children... Continue Reading →