Helping the Right Way

As we witnessed the tornado ravaged community of Moore, Oklahoma, the scenes of devastation moved us with a desire to help.  As someone who has been involved with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (the third largest disaster relief entity in the world, right behind the American Red Cross and Salvation Army), and as one who has served in disaster... Continue Reading →

Helping Our Neighbors in Oklahoma

  Oklahoma State Disaster Relief Director, Sam Porter, sends this word as they respond to the devastation from massive tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma:  Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief is responding to needs in Oklahoma.  I am thankful that Kentucky Baptists are part of the network of Southern Baptists who are doing incredible acts for Christ every day.  Your... Continue Reading →

What is our Mission?

Why does the body of Christ exist?  What is our mission?  Defining our mission is crucial if we are to be focused and strategic in accomplishing the tasks given to us by our God. The Lord gave His mission to the church in the passages of Scripture defined as the Great Commission.  "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all... Continue Reading →

Involving the “Other 80%”

Have you ever felt that only a small number of church members were doing the majority of the work?  It’s pretty common in churches, at least the ones I’ve been a part of, for us to depend upon the same few individuals to teach Sunday School, sing on the praise team, lead the men’s ministry,... Continue Reading →


  "For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the Hope of the poor shall not perish forever" (Psalm 9:18). The 41 nations of Sub-Sahara Africa are some of the neediest in the world.  Would you take a moment to consider these facts about Sub-Sahara Africa: Extreme Poverty...Civil War...Malaria...Unclean Water...High Infant Mortality...Hunger...Tribal Conflict...Draught...HIV Aids...Child-headed... Continue Reading →

The Command is Greater Than the Need

I am so thankful for the literally thousands of missionaries who serve the Lord in Kentucky each year through a variety of ministries.  Whether one serves as a long term career missionary or a short term volunteer, you are considered a missionary, "if in response to God's call and gifting, you leave your comfort zone... Continue Reading →

Searching for One Man

Where is your sacred place?  According to one survey, men seek sacred places where they can get away from the ordinary grind of life.  Some sacred places that men shared were fishing boats, hunting camps, the golf course, and their workshops.  Some mentioned their recliners, television, and the morning paper as their sacred spot.  Interestingly, men did... Continue Reading →

Start a New Ministry in the New Year

The New Year's Eve celebrations have ended and before us is a new year of new opportunities, new beginnings and new direction. This is the time of year that we find ourselves evaluating the past year and making new plans and resolutions for the coming year. Usually the new plans have something to do with... Continue Reading →

Remember The Bread

I typically take a list when I shop for groceries.  I do it for this reason: In the midst of Oreos...Breyers Ice Cream...Doritos, it is easy to forget the bread.  It is important in a sea of choices to not forget the main item. Kentucky Baptists are being given a unique opportunity to partner with... Continue Reading →

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