Every Christian is called to be on mission for the sake of the Gospel. His call may vary from person to person; however, we are all called and commissioned to go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel. Being a Christian is not just about who we are, (or Who’s we are), but also... Continue Reading →
Establish Healthy Churches
From time to time as I help churches develop their missions strategy that inevitably should involve church planting, the question is asked: "Do we need more new churches or for our existing churches to become healthier? The answer is simple. Yes! We need both. While I have written about the need for church planting, I... Continue Reading →
Praying for Our Neighbors and Community
Matthew 22:36-39 – “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This is one... Continue Reading →
Sharing the Gospel in Hostile Times
Syrian refugee girls march at a United Nations refugee camp in Jordan. Oftentimes, the mission of God does not seem to match our conveniently constructed models. God calls us to love all people, which means taking the gospel to hard places, among hard people, and during difficult times. In Acts 8:26-40, we catch a glimpse... Continue Reading →
Would You interSEED for our KY-MSC Missionaries?
Each month we post an interSEED prayer calendar for Kentucky Mission Service Corps Missionaries and Church Planters. Many of you download this calendar and pray for the missionaries and planters on their birthdays, and we thank you for doing so. But now, I am asking that you go another step and pray for all of... Continue Reading →
Pray for Ukraine…and Give
Pray for Ukraine. We hear those words often and our hearts break for them and we are moved with compassion. We want to do something, anything to make a difference. As I look at the images we see on the news and online, I often have no words. There are no words to describe my... Continue Reading →
Information or Transformation?
When Jesus offers those famous final words to his disciples on that mountaintop in Galilee, he has the end goal in mind—transformation, that is, mature disciples. Jesus’s command in the Great Commission is to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). The goal of the Great Commission is faithful Jesus followers. Where the gospels end... Continue Reading →
Reflections and Updates on the Ukrainian Crisis
I watch as an older man stands in front of his bombed-out house. All of his memories, the small earthly things that give us comfort, his entire history is scattered. There is a confused, bewildered look on his face as he realizes that the accomplishment of his labor is no more. I see a woman... Continue Reading →
Introducing the 2022 Kentucky Missionary of the Year
Stacey Burton, Director of Lake Cumberland Baptist Association’s PM59 Ministries in Somerset, is the 2022 Kentucky Missionary of the Year. Stacey has served as a Mission Service Corps Missionary since June 2013. She directs a ministry to children and families which, in the past, has included a children’s choir, family mission action projects, mission education... Continue Reading →
Called to Make a Difference
God has always called His people to make a difference. God has always been a “sending God” where we are called to be sent. We find all through Scripture, and especially in the life of Jeremiah the prophet of being called and sent by God. As God is calling Jeremiah, He points out to Jeremiah... Continue Reading →