
It’s State Missions Month

It’s September!!  Vacations are over, school is back in session, football season is here, and Fall is in the air.  For Kentucky Baptists September is recognized as state mission’s month.  Next week, September 11-18, is the week set aside in our calendar for State Missions Emphasis and the week most Kentucky Baptist Churches receive the... Continue Reading →

The Hardest Work You’ll Ever Love

I have often joked and laughed about the three rules of a handyman. First is to contemplate what to do. Then you contemplate on how to do it. And finally, you just contemplate. How many times have you followed those three rules without even realizing it? There are many times I have projects I either... Continue Reading →

More Than Optimism

The time has finally arrived. The long drought is almost over.  Fall is just around the corner.  In fact, you can almost feel it in the air as the temperature and humidity have dropped in recent days.  No, I am not referring to the arrival of pumpkin spice latte or even pumpkin bread or pumpkin... Continue Reading →


I had the opportunity last week to spend several days in eastern Kentucky alongside disaster relief volunteers who were providing help, hope and healing following historic flooding in thirteen counties.  I saw families who had lost everything, literally everything except the clothes on their backs. Homes were washed down river, cars destroyed, personal possessions lost,... Continue Reading →

Care Teams for Sent-Ones

Care Teams are the most tangible expression of our church’s commitment to support our missionaries who are serving in cross-cultural environments. The team is centered around one team leader and can be made up of 3-8 individuals who provide on-going care and support. They serve as a primary link between the church as a whole... Continue Reading →

It’s Christmas Backpack Time!!

It’s that time of year again - halfway to the Christmas season.  Has your church committed to fill Christmas Backpacks for needy children?  With temperatures in the 90s, it’s hard to think about Christmas, but the collection date for Christmas Backpacks is only 3 months away.      Statistics show that only 4 states have a... Continue Reading →

The Blessing of Serving

The Bible is full of illustrations of numerous people who served the Lord for the sake of the gospel. Jesus Himself came not to be served but to serve. (Luke 22:24-27). Jesus was our greatest example of servanthood, but we find many more such as: Paul, Peter, Andrew, Barnabas, Timothy, Mary, and the list goes... Continue Reading →

The Work

The day of Stephen’s death was the day that a “great persecution began against the church in Jerusalem” (Acts 8:1).  As the first known martyr of the Christian church, God used the “blood of martyrs as the seed for the church” (Tertullian).  As persecution spread, so too, did the early church and the gospel with... Continue Reading →

What is Spiritual Warfare?

Imb Photo The Bible speaks about the reality of a conflict we face as believers, and we popularly call that conflict “spiritual warfare.” Given the fascination of this topic, it is easy to mystify the spiritual battle and miss the Bible’s basic teachings about this conflict: The Bible is a book about God, not about... Continue Reading →

Cedaridge Ministries Celebrates 30th Anniversary

On Friday, June 10th, I was privileged to attend the 30-Year Celebration of Cedaridge Ministries in Williamsburg, KY.  Cedaridge is a non-profit ministry with a primary focus of serving needy families in Whitley, Knox, Laurel, and surrounding counties with food, clothing, household items, home repairs and, most of all, share the Good News of Jesus... Continue Reading →

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