
Remembering Ms. Dottie

On January 29th our KY-MSC Family lost a dear member.  Ms. Dottie Gebhart, who served with Hope Academy for Kids, went home to be with the Lord.  Dottie and her husband Chuck served together as Food/Nutrition Department leads and Chuck, also a KY-MSC Missionary, directs the van ministry. Nelle Thomas, Executive Director of HAFK, shared. ... Continue Reading →

Equipped to Serve

You have heard the expression “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I have also wondered if you can say something similar as, “If you fail to equip, you are equipped to fail.”What I mean is if I fail to learn to drive a car, I will likely fail miserably if I get... Continue Reading →

Enlisting a Short-term Mission Team

Your church wants to partner well with missionaries and perhaps even knows with whom and where you will partner.  But how does a church go about enlisting people to go on short-term mission efforts?  Is it best to just open up the mission effort to any and all who want to go?  Are there some... Continue Reading →

God’s “Blessengers”

In August 2022 I received a phone call from Lisa McCoy, with Lewisport Baptist Church in Hancock County. Lisa is a member of God’s Messengers, a ladies Sunday School Class of eighteen or so members, that range in age from sixties to upper seventies. During prayer time, the ladies shared their concern about the people... Continue Reading →

Thank God for the “Little” Things

Last week, while attending the Kentucky Baptist Convention, I received such an uplifting email from KY-MSC Missionary Keith Decker.  In addition to serving as Executive Director of Cedaridge Ministries, Keith serves as pastor of Black Oak Baptist Church in Williamsburg. On Sunday, November 13, Black Oak Baptist Church went to Mr. Gatti’s Pizza for a... Continue Reading →

Going Changes Lives

When you hear your church or an organization talk about taking a mission trip, whether a few days to a couple of weeks, does something in your spirit tug at you to go? You hear about the work they may be doing, the difference it can make, and the opportunities it will provide. It pulls... Continue Reading →

Healthy Church Formation

Do we need to plant more churches or strengthen existing churches today? In other words, what should be the focus of our churches: plant new churches or revitalize/strengthen current churches? Healthy church formation is not about choosing between these two as if they are opposing options. (A church meets in a small building in South... Continue Reading →

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