I have learned over the years that at times the simplest of actions can have the greatest impact. I have had people in the past thank me for everything I did for them. As I reflect on what I did, I really couldn’t think of much, if anything that I “did.” I would often respond... Continue Reading →
Reds Baseball and the Cooperative Program
The muddy and winding Ohio River flows through or borders six states, two of which are KY and OH. Along the Ohio River’s path sits America’s original Boomtown—Cincinnati, also called the Queen City. Cincinnati is most notably known as the home of Reds baseball where the Great American Ballpark rests on the bank of the... Continue Reading →
EBO Funds Help to Provide Retreat for KY-MSC Missionaries
September is State Missions Month. Most of our Kentucky Baptist Churches have observed the Week of Prayer for State Missions and received the Eliza Broadus Offering, which supports missions and ministers across the state. As Missions Mobilization Coordinator with the Kentucky Baptist Convention, let me say thank you for praying and giving through EBO. As... Continue Reading →
Short-term Missions as a Help to the Mission
Missions is about making disciples of all nations, and often involves the crossing of cultures, languages, and geographical boundaries to accomplish that task. Disciples are made in the context of the local church over time. Missionaries invest their lives in places void of the gospel in order that sinners will come to faith in Jesus... Continue Reading →
Insubordinate Witnesses
I recently overheard a conversation among friends about a company that fired an employee after he refused to follow the demands of his supervisor. I chimed in that “he deserved his punishment” and shouldn’t have been surprised since he knew what was expected of him when signing on for the job. Several days later while... Continue Reading →
The Summer Is Ended
School is back in session and, although you would not know it from the 90ᵒ temperatures we are having, summer is almost over. It has been fun seeing pictures on Facebook of students as they return to school. Parents have posted side by side pictures of their children from last school year and this school... Continue Reading →
Loving Children Like Jesus
There are times we don’t always see things like Jesus does. We struggle with it often, and as I look in the scriptures, the disciples struggled with it too. There are several times recorded in the Gospels where Jesus had to correct them. I sometimes will ask myself, “when will I ever learn?” I am... Continue Reading →
Jesus: The Great Savior Who Forgives Great Sinners
Just who is Jesus? That’s really the question that the gospel writer Luke is seeking to answer as he writes his book. Luke chapter 1 tells us that he writes to a man named Theophilus. We are not exactly sure who he is, but it seems that he is an important person, perhaps a government... Continue Reading →
Why Are We Going?
The summer months are usually busy with activity as groups go on mission to share Christ. In years past, mission trips were typically only taken during the summer when school was out. But many more groups are exploring other times of the year for engaging in volunteer mission efforts, like fall break and Christmas vacation. ... Continue Reading →
Ever Thought About Becoming a KY-MSC Missionary?
Many of the blogs I write for KYandBeyond each month are about Kentucky Mission Service Corps Missionaries and their ministries. You may have heard the term, read their stories, and even volunteered in their ministries, but also may be asking, “What is a Kentucky Missions Service Corps missionary.” The definition of a Kentucky Mission Service... Continue Reading →