A famine is spreading across the globe and if it remains unchecked, the consequences will be devastating. In fact, the repercussions are already being felt. The famine I am referring to is not likely what you are thinking of. While half of the world lives in poverty (living on less than $2 per day) and... Continue Reading →
The Bucket Project
Kentucky Baptist churches will help open many doors for the gospel by packing buckets with hospice supplies and delivering them to the convention's annual meeting in November. Kentucky Baptists are again participating with Baptist Global Response to provide hospice care buckets to help families care for those with HIV/AIDS. Buckets will be collected at the... Continue Reading →
Remembering Larry O
In early 2001 Linda Otterback was scheduled for a mission trip to El Salvador. When the trip had to be cancelled, Linda received a phone call asking if she would like to go to Fleming-Neon instead. “What country is that in?” Linda asked. Linda soon learned that Fleming-Neon is in Eastern Kentucky. She said “yes”... Continue Reading →
To make Him famous
God is concerned for His fame among all the world, all peoples. Fame is the condition of being known or recognized by many people (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ fame). If God is ultimate and His glory is the purpose of our existence (as I argued previously), then this praise of God is meant to be among all nations. The... Continue Reading →
Sharing with my International Neighbor
We live in a world on the move. Our cities and communities are becoming more culturally diverse. In Louisville, for example, there are now over one hundred languages represented in the metro school system. Thousands of students are coming from abroad to study at our American universities. The international community is evident in many of... Continue Reading →
For I Wasn’t Hungry…
Several years ago, I came home from work complaining about how hungry I was. My wife was fixing dinner and the girls were working on homework at the kitchen table. They asked if I had eaten lunch today. To which I replied, yes, but I haven’t had anything since lunch. They laughed at my foolish... Continue Reading →
Pregnancy Care Centers Make a Difference
In downtown Greenville, KY there is an amazing ministry called Pathway of Hope that ministers to families who are facing unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. This ministry, directed by North American Mission Board missionary Diana Anderson, helps these families to make life-affirming choices, with their main goals to love on those they serve, share factual information... Continue Reading →
“That God might be known as God”
God is zealous for His own glory. In fact, He refuses to share His glory with any other (Isa 42:5-9). But what does it mean that God is glorious? Simply put, as a noun ‘glory’ means honor or praise. As an adjective, ‘glorious’ means having honor or praise; something that is very beautiful or delightful... Continue Reading →
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Louisiana Floods: Worst U. S. Disaster Since Hurricane Sandy West Virginia Floods Devastate 1200 Homes, Many Lives EF-3 Tornado Leaves Damage in Mayfield, Kentucky Disasters come in all shapes and sizes. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods certainly reek havoc on individuals, but house fires, vehicle accidents, and community violence can be equally devastating to families. Disasters are always... Continue Reading →
Going Outside is NOT an Option
What do you think of when you hear the words, "go outside"? I'm reminded of those times as a child when I was in the way and my mother would say to my brothers and I, "you all need to go outside and play". We knew exactly what that meant and would go outside to... Continue Reading →