In far western Kentucky, located thirteen miles outside the city of Princeton, is a unique ministry that offers many opportunities to serve. Bright Life Farms, Inc. is a residential facility, located on 27 acres, where currently 24 mentally or developmentally challenged adults, 18 years of age and older, live in a happy, protective and secure... Continue Reading →
Air Guitars, Chickens, and the Great Commission
Several years ago, I was on a short-term mission in Africa. While gathering with a local church in an outdoor courtyard, amongst the chickens running around, one church leader came up to “play” and sing as we began our time together. To our team’s surprise, he began “playing” the air guitar…or, maybe it was the... Continue Reading →
The Importance of Prayer
I have learned that there are some problems in the world that are bigger than us, and some tasks that are beyond our human ability of achieving. There are some things in this world that only God can do. One of those God-sized tasks is the Great Commission. Taking the Gospel to every people, tongue,... Continue Reading →
Are You Called to Missions?
Ninety persons who heard the call to missions currently serve, not in another country, not in another state, but right here in Kentucky. Most times when we think of someone being “called to missions” our thought is to some remote area in Africa, China, or to international missions. God’s call however, may be in the... Continue Reading →
Encouraging Leaders
Ministry is not for the faint of heart. One need only review the apostle Paul’s “resume” to realize such is the case. He describes his ministry experience: “Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and... Continue Reading →
Counsel for The Called
God has called every believer to go into all the world and to make disciples. Mission volunteers can be used by God to reach the nations, and to make tremendous impact on the advancement of God's Kingdom. Here are my top ten tips for believers who seek to serve internationally:: Do not expect other cultures... Continue Reading →
So, What’s In Your Hand?
Most of us have seen the commercial advertising a credit card that ends with, "so what's in your wallet?" There are many card options available and they want viewers to think about which one they are carrying. Have you ever given thought to what's in your hand? What is it that you do with your... Continue Reading →
It’s Horse Time in Kentucky
In just 11 days all eyes will be on Kentucky for the 143rd running of the Kentucky Derby, commonly known as the greatest two minutes in sports. Over 160,000 will make their way to the Bluegrass for this event. Parties, celebrities, hats, mint juleps, betting, the playing of “My Old Kentucky Home,” the race itself,... Continue Reading →
KBC Mission and Vision Tours
KBC Mission: Our mission as a convention is simple: created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ. Created by churches We exist as the Kentucky Baptist Convention because Baptist churches throughout Kentucky desired to cooperate for the furthering of the gospel. The KBC owes its existence to Baptist... Continue Reading →
The Heart of Leadership
Perhaps no Biblical leader faced the questioning of his leadership like Moses. The Book of Numbers shares that every time Moses turned around, someone was murmuring, grumbling, and questioning his direction and judgement. It is not easy to lead any group of people, and the family of faith is no different. Leadership is crucial for... Continue Reading →