Linda Otterback’s ministry has taken a lot of different turns. In early 2001 she was scheduled for a mission trip to El Salvador. When the trip had to be cancelled, Linda received a phone call asking if she would like to go to Fleming-Neon instead. “What country is that in?” Linda asked. Linda soon learned... Continue Reading →
Numbers Matter for the SBC
Their smiles, colorful outfits, upbeat music, movements and songs had the crowd captivated. While the room was filled with likely 1500 guests, everyone’s attention as they filed toward their tables was on the children. The IMB hosted dinner at the SBC annual meeting began with the beautiful Swahili children’s choir singing in their heart language. ... Continue Reading →
What Is Our Answer When Disasters Come?
When disasters strike, we must avoid the urge to throw out pat answers or offer flippant explanations. So how do we answer those struggling in the aftermath of disasters? We grieve with those who suffer. Suffering causes us to pause, to look at the hard questions, and should move us to weep with those who... Continue Reading →
A Missions Team is a Must!
The church was founded as a missionary sending organization. It was not intended to be a religious organization with missions as only a department within the organization. Its primary purpose was missionary and its members were to be involved in the spreading of the gospel. Unfortunately, many local churches today are not engaged in missions.... Continue Reading →
201 Students Pray to Receive Christ
When Mission Service Corps Missionary James McDonald hears people say, “I can’t believe they have taken the Bible out of school” his response is “the Bible has not been taken out of my school.” Through BREAK (Bible Release-time Education Association of Kentucky) James and John Lowder, along with several volunteers, teach the Bible once a... Continue Reading →
Partnerships to Help Churches
The KBC approaches mission partnerships with the goal of helping churches develop gospel partnerships. Partnerships, in the past, were developed between the KBC and certain organizations/denominations. For example, the KBC had a partnership with the Kenya Baptist Convention in Africa or the New England Baptist Convention in the northeast. God used those, and we are... Continue Reading →
Where is God?
Natural disasters continue to strike with little warning across the globe. In the aftermath of these tragic events, people often ask, "Where is God?" Intellectual answers even when based on fact do not take away the pain or the loss of those affected by disasters. People need hope and grace amid the darkness, and I... Continue Reading →
Lessons from Crisis
Disasters are part of living in a fallen world, and Jesus taught us, "He makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust" (Matthew 5:45). Disasters come without warning and are no respecter of position, status, age, economic status, or belief system. Disasters have an equalizing... Continue Reading →
“I’m Not Worthy!”
As pastor Wayne and his translator walked toward the homeless man in the street, the make-shift tents and people were everywhere. This is the part of town most people avoid because of crime, drug use and homelessness. No doubt for this KBC vision team to Brazil, the surroundings were a bit intimidating. Yet, the team... Continue Reading →
Introducing the 2019 Kentucky Missionary of the Year
As a child, Shirley Barlow attended World Missions Conferences with her parents. Her mother would invite the missionaries to their house for dinner and, as Shirley sat and listened to their stories, she recalls praying, “Please, God, let me have this opportunity.” However, Shirley says she never did hear the total call to be a... Continue Reading →