
Could God Be Calling You to Serve Long-Term?

God continues to call men and women to serve in long-term ministry positions in Kentucky.  This past year we have seen five new Kentucky Mission Service Corps missionaries approved, six others awaiting approval and three or four others that are sensing God’s call to serve. Currently one hundred eight men and women serve in various... Continue Reading →

Love Thy Neighborhood

I enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day because it presents an opportunity to show love to those I care about … and eat chocolate too!   I will always try to remember my wife, daughters, and those closest to me on Valentine’s Day.  But what about my neighborhood?   If you’re like me, I don’t associate Valentine’s Day with... Continue Reading →

All Life is Sacred

January is a month set aside for focusing on the sacred nature of human life. Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday will be observed throughout the Southern Baptist Convention on Jan. 17, marking the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand in America.  Sadly, according to the Office... Continue Reading →

God Has Provided!!

The holidays are upon us.  Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving and then “very soon it will be Christmas Day.”  As Kentucky Baptists we find ourselves once again in the midst of Christmas backpack deliveries to churches and ministries.  Boys and girls across the state will be blessed as backpacks YOU packed will be distributed to... Continue Reading →

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