Two years ago, no one imagined that we would still be dealing with COVID-19 in 2022. We will wade through this virus and by the summer the world will be back to normal, so we thought. Well, that didn’t go exactly as we had hoped. Two years later, we are still dealing with the virus,... Continue Reading →
Be an Encourager
The holidays are over. 2021 is history, and we are now a few days into 2022. The New Year finds us reflecting over the year just ended and looking ahead with new resolutions, goals, and plans. We vow to be a better person, to do better. We commit before the Lord to be a better... Continue Reading →
The end of the year is often marked by a seemingly endless barrage of family gatherings, cookie swaps, white elephant gift exchanges, office parties and more. The holidays cause some to stress and wonder if they can fit everything into their schedule. Others experience profound sadness as they reflect on the loss of a loved... Continue Reading →
Disruptions Along the Road
I was driving down the road the other day and noticed some bad spots in the asphalt right in the driving lane. It is obvious it will not take long for potholes to develop and cause some serious repair issues. It’s on a road I travel often, and I happen to think to myself, “One... Continue Reading →
Lottie’s Letters
IMB, Portrait of Lottie Moon, 1873. Charlotte Digges Moon was born on December 12, 1840, in Albemarie County, Virginia. Southern Baptists know her as Lottie Moon (information about Lottie and global stats taken from She served the people of China with the gospel for nearly 40 years. She became a follower of Jesus in... Continue Reading →
“Gotcha Day” Celebration
When parents adopt a child, they many times will celebrate “Gotcha Day” to recognize and remember the day the child joined their family. Recently CoffeeTalk Ministries and Events, a women’s ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lexington, had a “Gotcha Day” Celebration, or actually a “Gotcha Weekend” Celebration, for their adoptive KY-MSC Missionary Jill Boddy. ... Continue Reading →
Less May Mean More
It’s interesting to note how often we use numbers to determine the success or effectiveness of our churches. We talk about how many attend on Sunday, the number of small groups, how many were baptized or the annual budget. If attendance is less this year than last, things must not be going well. However, that’s... Continue Reading →
Missional Skills: Developing Healthy Exit Strategies
The landscape of Kentucky has changed! The nations are now our neighbors. Over a quarter of a million Kentuckians do not speak English at home, and nearly 180,000 citizens of the commonwealth are foreign born. Many of these are unreached peoples who have yet to hear the gospel. Population growth in cities like Bowling Green,... Continue Reading →
Rise and Respond
Rise and Respond I was reading in Acts 9 about when the Lord confronted Saul on his journey to Damascus. It is such an awesome story of a call to salvation and a call to be on mission. In the story, the Lord confronted Saul with a bright light in a very supernatural moment. The... Continue Reading →
Is it really a fork?
Years ago, while following my handy-dandy, trusty GPS late one foggy night on a KY backroad, the path split. The GPS told me to go in one direction, but my “gut” said go the other. I followed my GPS. After winding through the narrow road, which seemed to get narrower and foggier as I drove,... Continue Reading →