The summer months are usually busy with activity as groups go on mission to share Christ. In years past, mission trips were typically only taken during the summer when school was out. But many more groups are exploring other times of the year for engaging in volunteer mission efforts, like fall break and Christmas vacation. ... Continue Reading →
Ministry Involvement Doesn’t Always Equal Missions Engagement
A comment I hear often from church leaders is “we are really involved in missions”. As leader of the KBC’s Missions Mobilization Team, this is an exciting and encouraging phrase to hear. It is music to my ears, at least initially. I say initially, because as the discussion progresses, I sometimes discover that while the... Continue Reading →
Caring Enough to SEND Our Very Best
One of the most recognized and trusted advertising slogans in the world is “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”. This phrase is more than just a slogan for Hallmark, it was a business commitment for the distinctive card company. When Ed Goodman, a Hallmark sales and marketing executive, wrote the words on... Continue Reading →
Give a Gift They Won’t Return!
We have officially entered the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. There is shopping to do, cookies to bake, activities for the kids and presents to wrap. Giving someone the perfect gift can be a hard thing to do. Do I really know what they need, or more importantly what they would want? It’s... Continue Reading →
Where are You in the Mobilization Process?
You’ve more than likely heard or used the term, missions mobilization. But what does it mean? It has been defined as assisting local bodies of believers to identify, train, and send global workers out to fulfill the Great Commission. It is the primary goal for the team I serve on. We also describe it this... Continue Reading →
I had the opportunity last week to spend several days in eastern Kentucky alongside disaster relief volunteers who were providing help, hope and healing following historic flooding in thirteen counties. I saw families who had lost everything, literally everything except the clothes on their backs. Homes were washed down river, cars destroyed, personal possessions lost,... Continue Reading →
Praying for Our Neighbors and Community
Matthew 22:36-39 – “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This is one... Continue Reading →
As the World Watches – There is Something We Can Do!
As the world watches, Ukrainians are being invaded by Russia and forced to flee from their homes. While the actual numbers are believed to be higher, it was reported today by national news sources today that 365 Ukrainians have been killed and 759 have been injured. We’ve seen the videos of families crying and praying... Continue Reading →
Spiritual Growth Leads to Mission Service
There’s no shortage of places to serve on mission with the Lord. Opportunities abound, but only a very small number are willing to respond. We’ve heard the request for mission trip participants or the plea for volunteers to help meet a need in the community, but how did we respond? Many churches lack people who... Continue Reading →
Less May Mean More
It’s interesting to note how often we use numbers to determine the success or effectiveness of our churches. We talk about how many attend on Sunday, the number of small groups, how many were baptized or the annual budget. If attendance is less this year than last, things must not be going well. However, that’s... Continue Reading →