God is concerned for His fame among all the world, all peoples. Fame is the condition of being known or recognized by many people (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ fame). If God is ultimate and His glory is the purpose of our existence (as I argued previously), then this praise of God is meant to be among all nations. The... Continue Reading →
“That God might be known as God”
God is zealous for His own glory. In fact, He refuses to share His glory with any other (Isa 42:5-9). But what does it mean that God is glorious? Simply put, as a noun ‘glory’ means honor or praise. As an adjective, ‘glorious’ means having honor or praise; something that is very beautiful or delightful... Continue Reading →
Where do we begin?
When it comes to mobilizing for missions, where do we begin? I mean, what should ultimately drive us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth? Is it that 4.2 billion people are unreached with the gospel or that nearly 200 million have no one taking the gospel to them? Perhaps it is... Continue Reading →
Mo / bi / lize
Mobilization is a process. The simple definition of mobilize (mo / bi / lize) from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary states, “to bring (people) together for action, to come together for action, or to make (soldiers, an army, etc.) ready for war.” According to this definition the point of mobilization is action. We do not simply want... Continue Reading →
Why I am Encouraged (afresh) to be a Southern Baptist
I was born into a Southern Baptist home. While I did not fully realize what that meant until much later in life, I am grateful for the legacy of being a Southern Baptist. Though not a perfect denomination in the past or even the present, I excited about the current and future state of our... Continue Reading →
Global Conquest…Now
God is a conquering God. Last month I explored God’s conquest in the OT by looking at Joshua’s leadership among the people of Israel and their campaign to take the land of promise. We see glimpses of God’s conquest strategy in the OT. Ultimately, God will use His people to conquer lives, not lands. He... Continue Reading →
Global Conquest…Then
Throughout the pages of the Bible, God is the God of conquest. The purpose of His conquering is the spread of His fame. God often does the unimaginable in order that He receives all of the glory and not man. For example, He delivers Israel from Egyptian slavery by conquering their enemy through a series of... Continue Reading →
March Madness and Missions
I am a football fan who occasionally dabbles in watching basketball. However, I must admit that there is something exciting about March Madness! Maybe it’s the story of the Cinderella team that no one gives a shot to win, but somehow finds the right combination at the right time. Maybe it’s because of the frenzy... Continue Reading →
Why short-term missions?
Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations is clear (Matt 28:16-20). The early church saw clearly the responsibility of Jesus’ command as given to them (e.g, Acts 1:8; 13:1-3). But the question remains, Is the church today commissioned to simply send long-term missionaries or might there be room for short-term mission teams too? While... Continue Reading →
Hearing Lottie’s Challenge Afresh
She stood well under 5 feet (some say 4 feet, 3 inches). Yet, she was a giant with lion-hearted boldness in calling for missionaries to foreign fields. Writing in 1874 to H. A. Tupper, head of the mission board in her day, she challenged, “Oh that we had active and zealous men who would go... Continue Reading →