As a church leader you desire to lead your church to obey the Great Commission, but maybe you are not sure where to go? If you are looking for mission partnerships, look no further. The Mission Mobilization Team of the Kentucky Baptist Convention is here to help your church reach Kentucky and the world for... Continue Reading →
From the Rising of the Sun
While on vacation at the beach recently, my wife wanted the two of us to wake early at least one morning to watch the sun rise. However, we kept putting off rising early for the comfort of sleeping in. On our last day at the beach, my wife decided to venture out and watch the... Continue Reading →
Air Guitars, Chickens, and the Great Commission
Several years ago, I was on a short-term mission in Africa. While gathering with a local church in an outdoor courtyard, amongst the chickens running around, one church leader came up to “play” and sing as we began our time together. To our team’s surprise, he began “playing” the air guitar…or, maybe it was the... Continue Reading →
Encouraging Leaders
Ministry is not for the faint of heart. One need only review the apostle Paul’s “resume” to realize such is the case. He describes his ministry experience: “Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and... Continue Reading →
KBC Mission and Vision Tours
KBC Mission: Our mission as a convention is simple: created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ. Created by churches We exist as the Kentucky Baptist Convention because Baptist churches throughout Kentucky desired to cooperate for the furthering of the gospel. The KBC owes its existence to Baptist... Continue Reading →
Mission Partnerships
In 1925, Southern Baptists began the Cooperative Program to unite our resources for the furthering of the gospel. Southern Baptist churches give a portion of their offerings to the Cooperative Program to fund both state and national convention work. Over the years, thousands of missionaries have been deployed all around the world for gospel advancement;... Continue Reading →
God has not forgotten
While recently visiting a European country to explore gospel partnerships and work among refugees, I was reminded about a truth that all need to hear. As our team listened to story after story of refugees who fled their homeland because of personal danger, one theme continued to emerge—God has not forgotten you! Whether from Iraq,... Continue Reading →
Preparing Ahead is Half the Battle
Like anything else in life that is done well, preparation for short-term missions is key. Leading a short-term mission team, particularly overseas, is an enormous challenge. There are many factors to consider when short-term teams plan international missions. Those assigned to lead such teams must consider these factors. Wisdom says planning ahead is always best.... Continue Reading →
Lessons From My Daughter’s Adoption
My wife and I recently returned from adopting our two year old daughter in Ethiopia. We began this journey nearly four and a half years ago. We spent just under three weeks in Ethiopia finalizing the adoption and returned the week before Christmas. While I still have much to process about this experience, here are some lessons I... Continue Reading →
The Famine
A famine is spreading across the globe and if it remains unchecked, the consequences will be devastating. In fact, the repercussions are already being felt. The famine I am referring to is not likely what you are thinking of. While half of the world lives in poverty (living on less than $2 per day) and... Continue Reading →