Christmas is about Jesus. It is a time to celebrate His coming. In fact, Christmas is about the hope of Jesus coming to a world in need. During this time of year one way Southern Baptists celebrate Christmas is by giving to missions through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. As I think about Christmas, missions,... Continue Reading →
Mister Rogers and the Syrian Crisis
“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won’t you please, won’t you please, Please won’t you be my neighbor? These lyrics are from the song “Won’t You be my Neighbor?” that was sung at the beginning of every episode of the... Continue Reading →
Recently, I was driving in eastern Kentucky to speak at a church about missions. I use my GPS regularly as I travel all across the state. On this particular trip in eastern Kentucky, my GPS all of a sudden went crazy. The road unexpectedly disappeared on the GPS and the car seemingly was floating on... Continue Reading →
Mission Partnership Opportunities Abound
Is your church or association prayerfully considering a new mission partnership, or desiring to begin one for the first time? If so, the KBC has a wealth of requests for mission partnerships that may be just right for your group. But how does one go about choosing a mission partnership and what does that partnership... Continue Reading →
You are meant for so much more!
All of us have had adversity in our lives. All of us have likely asked why such adversity comes our way, but have you ever asked why blessings come your way. It is one thing to ask “why” when bad things happen, but it is another thing to ask “why” when good things happen. The... Continue Reading →
It’s a Matter of the Heart
The heart is an incredible organ created by an even more incredible God. A healthy heart is vital for life. When one’s heart is unhealthy, life is at risk. The Bible understands the importance of the heart. The Bible speaks of the necessity of a healthy heart. In fact, the Bible emphatically speaks of humans... Continue Reading →
Missions Strategy: Equip Leaders
Everyone remembers the last words of a loved one. In 2 Timothy, Paul gives his last words concerning the gospel to young pastor Timothy. No doubt that these words were lodged in Timothy’s mind. As Paul nears the end of his life, chained as a common criminal in a Roman dungeon, he pens his final... Continue Reading →
Missions Strategy: Encourage Leaders
The call of the Great Commission (GC) is tremendous indeed. It is a privilege to be an ambassador of our King, and yet it is a daunting responsibility. The Lord never promised that making disciples of all nations would be easy; He did promise, however, that He would be with us. Yet, the nature of... Continue Reading →
“…to help churches reach KY and the world for Christ”
What is our mission? In short, it’s to make disciples of Jesus in all nations (Matt 28:16-20; Acts 1:8). The call to make Jesus known among the nations is a call for the church. The Great Commission was not given to a national or state denomination; it was given to the church. The church of... Continue Reading →
A Dead End in Southeast Asia
The quote from the banner hanging in the stairwell said it best: “My purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God which I believe comes through knowing Christ.” As I climbed the stairs toward our meeting room in Southeast Asia, I saw this banner for the first time. The picture... Continue Reading →