I am a very visual person. I learn by seeing and doing more than reading and listening. It is just the way God made me. But when I read or listen, I have to visualize something that I’m reading that will allow me to fully understand.
That’s one reason I love the parables Jesus taught. Jesus would give great object lessons to teach the spiritual truths. Seeing the visual example helps me understand the spiritual truth.

I was reading Matthew 7:7-8 and I love the illustration of the asking, seeking and knocking. I can see a visual picture in my head which helps me understand the spiritual truth.
ASK…and it will be given to you helps me understand the importance of praying. The focus is not on what we are asking for, but from Whom we are asking. When we understand from Whom we’re asking, it helps us to keep in perspective of what we ask for. When we understand the “Whom,” it helps to get “me” out of the picture.
SEEK…and you will find helps me to remember to always look for opportunities to serve the Lord. To look for times God wants to use me. And seek those opportunities to have Gospel conversations. When I am seeking the things of God, I am sure to find what He has for me and what He has to teach me.
KNOCK…and the door will be opened to you reminds me of the wonderful experiences God has for me. Through saying yes to God and going through the doors He opens, I have seen the miraculous, the majesty, and I have seen the moving of God in my own and others’ lives.
I get reminded of this so many times when we are called out to respond to disasters. When I pray, I want to follow the “Whom” I am praying to, so I may receive God’s best in my life. I have settled for too many times and have learned to seek God’s best. So, my ask of God is to use me.
When we are called out to respond to disasters, I want to seek those opportunities for God to use me to encourage others, to disciple others, to allow God to teach me, and to seek opportunities to have Gospel conversations with those we meet.
When we are called out to respond to disasters, I want to knock on the door where God leads me. And when God opens the door, I know I will experience only what God can do.
If you would like to become a Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer, please visit kybaptist.org/dr for more information.

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