January is a month set aside for focusing on the sacred nature of human life. Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday will be observed throughout the Southern Baptist Convention on Jan. 17, marking the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand in America. Sadly, according to the Office of Vital Statistics, there were 3,664 abortions performed in Kentucky in 2019.

While Kentucky Baptists certainly won’t be celebrating Roe v. Wade, we will be celebrating that because of almost 50 pregnancy care centers affiliated with the KBC, hundreds of babies were spared from abortion last year. Additionally, many women have accepted Christ because pregnancy center staff members shared the Gospel with them.
The sanctity of human life is a core principle for me as a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that humans are created by God and in His image (Genesis 1:27). That means that every person, from conception to death, possesses dignity and worth – including unborn children, elderly individuals and those with special needs. As Christ followers, we are called to defend, protect and value all human life.
Human life is defended, protected and valued everyday throughout Kentucky in pregnancy resource centers that are there to support and encourage mothers through the birth process by helping them to choose life for their unborn children.
With Sanctity of Life Sunday only a few weeks away, let me encourage you to be a friend to life by offering assistance to one of the many pregnancy care centers in Kentucky. Why not visit your local pregnancy resource center to discover ways that you can help. Learn how you can pray for and/or with center directors and volunteers.
Pray that God will:
- Protect center personnel (board of directors, staff, volunteers, families) from any type of physical abuse or harm and from discouragement or doubt from the enemy.
- Meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of center staff.
- Lead clients to the center so they may hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Give counselors special wisdom and boldness in sharing the Gospel with clients, challenging them to live a life of obedience and purity.
- Change the minds and hearts of mothers who are considering abortion and give them the courage to choose life and consider adoption, when appropriate, for their unborn children.
- Bring healing and a renewed relationship with Christ to women and families inside and outside the church who have chosen abortion in the past.
- Meet the financial needs of each resource center.
Consider helping your local pregnancy resource center in the following ways:
- Donate baby clothing, furniture, car seats, and/or formula.
- Provide food, clothing, and a safe place for expectant mothers.
- Serve as a mentor for expectant mothers.
- Sponsor a baby shower for the center with gifts of clothing, furniture, diapers, and formula.
- Partner with a pregnancy resource center to teach young women good parenting skills.
- Plan a mission trip to a center to do maintenance, painting, and redecorating, if needed.
The Kentucky Baptist Convention recognizes and appreciates the life-giving ministry of faith-based pregnancy resource centers in Kentucky. We encourage your support of the pro-life pregnancy resource centers with which KBC churches and associations partner. For a list of those centers, visit: http://www.kybaptist.org/pregnancycare/
Wonderful article, very informative about how and why churches and individuals can add to their outreach ministries in our local areas. Thanks for the leadership that you supply to the KBC.